Monthly Archives: octobre 2015

Extreme Right Candidate

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Extreme Right Candidate

The National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria is presenting a candidate as Mayor of Sofia, the capital. This party advocates removing illegal Roma ghettos, something that is already happening in various cities in that country.

Our Values are Threatened

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Our Values are Threatened

Romani Rose, the president of the German Council of Sinti and Roma says in an interview that the values to which we have arrived at on the Holocaust, the persecution of minorities etc. are under threat.

Roma Pride in 14 Cities

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Roma Pride in 14 Cities

Rroma Pride took place yesterday in 14 European cities. In Prague, they pointed aout the scandal of Lety where a pig farm is located on the site of a former concentration camp.


French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

And the usual French review – more of the same. In Wissous, tensions are rising; in Metz, 23 Rroma are without lodgings; a fire in a camp in Ris Orangis, not surprising since temperatures are dropping and heating is needed; a Turkish tourist was mugged by three young Rroma in the RER in Paris; the site of a dismantled camp near Toulouse is being cleaned out; and more Rroma kids in schools in Dijon.

Safe Countries: Critique from Council of Sinti and Roma

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Safe Countries: Critique from Council of Sinti and Roma

The central council of German Sinti and Roma and his president, Romani Rose sharply criticised the concept of safe countries especially in the Balkan and for Rroma.


Babi Yar

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Babi Yar

Ukraine commemorates the start of the Babi Yar massacre near Kiev which saw nearly 100’000 people killed in 1941, mostly Jews, but also Rroma and some others.


Rroma Go to Constitutional Court

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Rroma Go to Constitutional Court

The Hamburg based organisation Roma and Sinti Union (RCI) is making a formal complaint the Germany’s top constitutional court on the declaration of Balkan Countries as being “safe”. Let’s hope this puts a stop to the exulsions!

Rroma Camps in Wissous

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Rroma Camps in Wissous

A reunion is called by the Mayor of Wissous, a commune that already made the headlines (cutting the water to Rroma; fire in a camp, etc.) to discuss the existing Rroma camps in the commune. Well, what can be expected of such an action?