Daily Archives: novembre 22, 2015

Le Progrès: Relaxed

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Le Progrès: Relaxed

The French newspaper “Le Progrès” from Lyon was cited to court for an article where they explicitly named the origins of criminals, including Rroma, was cleared of all charges.

A PITY… Ethnicity has nothing to do with criminality. Exactly as there is no ethnical background relevant in the case of idiots.

Swiss Candidate Minister: Travellers are Beasts

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Norman Gobbi, from the rightist Swiss party SVP is a candidate for the election to Minister in the Swiss government. Unfortunately, Mr. Gobbi is not a blank page: He has contact with the Italian Lega, and in the case of travellers, he stated “Sind das noch Menschen oder doch eher Tiere?”[are these still human beings or just animals] in the context of depredations of a Highway stop in the South of Switzerland.

The guy belongs to another century and country!

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Clearly, with the events in France, the “Rroma Problem” somehow faded in the background. Interestingly enough, the Rroma yes, the “Gens du Voyage” [Travellers], not. So here’s a short overview of the general news: In La Courneuve, where Rroma were expelled from their camp, expelled Rroma organised a dinner for the victims of the attacks in Paris; an article about the scholarisation of Rroma children; in Lyon, a demonstration for migrants was annulled following the attacks; in the north, Rroma have problems to get their skills recognised; Rroma are still squatting; in another place, the illegal camps are resolved – allegedly; in Beziers, in the South, an association against Racism is being asked to vacate their offices; in the West, in la Rochelle, health is more important than money, thanks God; some people are thinking about the causes for the attack; and finally, festivals and music in various place in France on Rroma.

It would be cool …

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It would be cool if I could say I am a Sinto – in the words of a 13 years old Sinto from Germany who is currently participating in a theatre group. Yes, would be really cool…

Popular? No …

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Popular? No …

A report in several European countries highlights that Rroma are the least popular minority, ahead of Moslems …

Long way to go|

Bulgaria: No Discrimination on the Basis of Religion or Ethnicity

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Bulgaria: No Discrimination on the Basis of Religion or Ethnicity

The chairman of a foundation in Bulgaria, Vasil Vasilev, is appealing against discrimination based on religion or ethnicity.


Le Progrès and Racism

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Le Progrès and Racism

The French Newspaper le “Progrès” has been cleared for its article on criminality where they explicitely cited Rroma besides Georgians, Albanians and Travellers (by the way, showing they have no clue about what they are talking about).


Seems that if you are Rrom, well, then you are a criminal, that’s not offensive, isn’t it ?

An Exhibition on “Tsiganes” in Grenoble

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An Exhibition on “Tsiganes” in Grenoble

An exhibition in Grenoble attempts to present the history of Rroma to the general public. Unfortunately, it renders the usual stereotypes such as nomadism (which was forced on Rroma in France by the interdiction to settle) and tells a lot of inaccurate things (such as being mercenaries, not being surely out of India, etc. …

Soleil Rom: An Association Helping Rroma

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Soleil Rom: An Association Helping Rroma

An article about an association and workers thereof in the city of Nantes, in the West of France. This association tries to help Rroma to integrate.

Belgium: No Space for Travellers

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Belgium: No Space for Travellers

There is no space for Belgium “Gens du Voyage” – in this case, many Lovara and related groups.
