Daily Archives: janvier 31, 2016

Italian Rrom Skater

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The three time Italian figure skater Ivan Righini is competing in the European Championship in Bratislava.

France: A Front National Candidate Condemned

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Paul-Marie Coûteaux, a candidate of the rightist Front National in Paris, was condemned for having stated that Rroma should be “concentrated” in “camps”. He wants to appeal, but let’s hope this sticks!

French Chronicle

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This week’s news is dominated by the camp of the petite ceinture in Paris. In this camp right on the outskirt of Paris, 300 Rroma are expected to be expelled. There were 8 reportages on this subject. Other news are: The Foundation Abbé Pierre protests on beha;f of the 140’000 in France who have no permanent housing; avolunteer from the association Barakacity, engaged in helping Rroma is detained in Bangladesh; a manifestation in the north on behalf of migrants; in Loos, Rroma are settling; a proposal for the creation of temporary camps for travellers; travellers squatting in a parking near Montpellier; the long pqath to integration for Rroma; and finally, 3 Rroma who were condemned for squatting will be re-judged.

Lots of news for so few people in France …

Germany and Asylum Seekers

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Germany new “fast track” asylum methods that are being introduced will not be positive for Rroma from the Balkan. They are at risk of being rejected and deported much faster than before.


Footballer Apologises

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Daniele De Rossi finally apologised for his racial slur “sh*tty Gypsy” levied at an opponent Mario Mandzukic. Took a while …

More on Holocaust Remembrance Day

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Several Articles on the Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Slovakia: Rroma Organisations Concerned

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Several Rroma Organisations expressed concerns following a series of children death in Rroma ghettoes in that country. They are asking the government to take action and to improve the overall conditions.

UN General Secretary on Holocaust Remembrance

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Ban Ki Moon, the UN General Secretary sent a message on the Holocaust Remembrance day. In there, he cites the Rroma as victims of the Holocaust and pleads against discrimination and racism.

Footballer Uses Racial Slur

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An Italian Footballer, Danielle De Rossi, told another one a “shut up, sh*tty Gypsy”. This has at least started a real discussion on racism and prompted requests of a crack down on such comments and behaviour.


Holocaust Remembrance Day

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January 27th is the Holocaust Remembrance day. Germany is now chairing the OSCE and has put the advancements of the Rroma cause at the centre of their activities.

Aferim …

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Some good critiques of the Aferim movie. But alas, no nominations L

