Monthly Archives: juin 2016

Saintes Marie de la Mer

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Saintes Marie de la Mer

Another series of pictures on the pilgrimage in Saintes Marie de la Mer in Souther France.

Saintes Marie de la Mer

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Saintes Marie de la Mer

A series of pictures of the pilgrimage in Saintes Marie de la Mer in Souther France.

Bulgaria: Indictment

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Bulgaria: Indictment

A Rrom, an official of the Euroroma political party was indicted and arrested together with 4 other people on suspicion of human trafficking and loan-sharking.

Can very well be true, but criminality is not an ethnic characteristic… It is a crime, nothing more.

A Novel on a Rromni

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A Novel on a Rromni

A novel on a young Rromni by a French novelist Valérie Rodrigue is currently being presented to the press. It is a true story of a Rromni migrant and her integration in France.

Hungary: New Program for Rroma Women

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A new program was launched in Hungary aiming at retaining young Rroma women longer in schools. Funded with 150 Mio HUF (450’000 EUR).

This is totally hypocritical. Zoltan Balog, the minister in charge of Human Resources openly advocates segregated schools… What is being said and what is being done are two things, and they are different.

Tories against Rroma

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Tories against Rroma

Cameron’s government policies classifying Rroma as travellers and thus stating they are no longer a minority if they cease to travel are totally misplaced and racist. As this article puts it “The government announces that black people must prove they are black by living in majority-black areas. If they move into a white neighbourhood, they will no longer be legally classed as black, and receive no support or protection”.

Totally inacceptable!

A book on Rroma Migrants: Gabriella, Rom de France

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A book on Rroma Migrants: Gabriella, Rom de France

A book by the French ethnologist Catherine Monnot about her conversations and interviews of Gabriela Cantia, a Romanian Rromni who emigrated to France and leaves close to Toulouse in a camp was just published.

Manifestation in the UK

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Manifestation in the UK

Travellers and Rroma manifested in front of the UK parliament to protest against the new planning policy that threatens their way of life and identity. Key point here is that the Gypsy and Traveller Status is no longer applicable for those who have ceased to travel. In brief and as in Switzerland, the way of life defines the minority.


Italy: Northern League Politician in Rroma Camp

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Italy: Northern League Politician in Rroma Camp

Mateo Salvini, the leader of the rightist Northern League visited a Rroma camp near Rome. He was promptly insulted by the Rroma there on the basis of his general statements on Rroma.

He then posted the reactions on Facebook. In brief, he was provoking. BAD.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Surprisingly positive chronicle this week in the French press. Yes there were a few expulsions – mostly travelers, the odd criminal case, but the bulk of articles this week was more on integration and insertion.

First, two articles from Libération, one on the so-called insertion village near Lyon where Rroma are housed and helped to integrate and in the second case, about a young Rrom who now goes to school; then a meeting against “Rromophobia” in Orléans, in Western France and a conference on Rroma in Brittany which will take place in June; an article on the Rroma resistance day; and finally a view on discrimination presented by its young victims.

Then, the more standard things: Expulsions of travelers (note that now one starts speaking about Rroma in this context) in Western France, near Paris, and in Grenoble; and the arrest of two Rroma thieves near Paris.