Daily Archives: juillet 17, 2016

France: Gens du Voyage

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France: Gens du Voyage

If there are no news about Rroma in the French Press, there are many about travellers. So many in fact, that one could think that France is literally invaded by travellers. 37 articles, in their great majority about illegal camps … You can judge by yourself:

Illegal camping in Vizille, near Grenoble; illegal camping in Alsace; in St. Hilaire, in Plan de Grasse, in Revel, in Saintes Maxime, in the Ardèche, in Montpellier, in Millau, and in Cabestany, in the South of France; in Western France in the Landes, in Dinant, in Lanton, in les Billaux, in Escources, in Pont de Cé, and in Lespare; in the North of France in Alprecht, in Wattinies, in Dunkerque, in Librecourt, in Le Portel, in Valenciennes, in Meurchin, and in Mazingarbe; in Normandy in Vascoeuil; in the East of France in Epinal, in Jarville, in Neufchateeau, in Saint Vit, and in Dombasle; and finally two articles on potential sites for camping for travellers in the centre of France and near Paris.

Germany: Regensburg Rroma have Moved

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Germany: Regensburg Rroma have Moved

The Rroma occupying the Regensburg Cathedral have moved to the parish house of St. Emmeran in Bavaria. According to the refugees, the church was very forthcoming g in helping them.

Meanwhile, there is another article bemoaning the involvement of Antifa (Anti-Fascist Movement) behind the occupation of the cathedral. Adds nothing to the facts, and is just there to discredit the cause that these Rroma are fighting for.

Bulgaria: The follow up on the Young Rrom Hero

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Bulgaria: The follow up on the Young Rrom Hero

A follow up of what happened to Mitko, the young Rrom who made the headlines in April for being beaten up after having said he was the equal of a Bulgarian.

Chilling …

Orban on Europe …

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Orban on Europe …

An article which summarises the interview from Viktor Orban in the Frankfurter Allgemeine. To quote him: “in Hungary we must integrate hundreds of thousands of our Roma compatriots into the labour market. This is a good excuse for a lot of things. An in terms of work integration, they have come up with the mandatory Közmunka, a source of cheap labour…

Slavery …

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Slavery …

A sad headline. In Romania, in a remote mountain village, nearly 40 young man and women were detained by a Rroma clan and de-facto held as slaves. The police indicted 38 people.

One can ask whether saying that the criminals are Rroma is relevant. We think not, as this only contributes to yet another negative stereotype. These are criminals, and should be judged as such. Ethnicity has lost nothing here.

Milan: Movement on Rroma Issues?

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Milan: Movement on Rroma Issues?

The new mayor of Milan, in recognition that his election was also partly due to the vote of the local Rroma, is starting a new ini9tiative to resolve the issues this minority faces in the city. It aims at finding solution for the camps around the city as well as to promote the integration of Rroma in the city.


Elie Wiesel on Poland and Auschwitz

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An interesting article explaining Eleie Wiesel’s views on Poland (a “Jewish Graveyard”) and on why Auschwitz was so much uniquely Jewish for him.

Even if one disagrees with him on this latter point, as the Holocaust is also a Rroma tragedy, he was and remains one of the voices of our conscience. May he rest in peace.

Cardinal bemoans the Situation in Rroma Camps

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Cardinal bemoans the Situation in Rroma Camps

The pope representative for the Rome diocese stated that the situation in Rroma camps, especially the one of Castel Romano on Rome’s outskirts is not worthy of Rome, and added he had not even seen such squalor during and after the war.

Maybe people will start doing something?

Bulgaria: Houses Demolished in Plovdiv

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Bulgaria: Houses Demolished in Plovdiv

Bulgarian authorities started demolishing “illegal” housing in the Rroma neighbourhood of Stolipinovo in Plovdiv.

BAD … What do they want to achieve? Razing the entire neighbourhood?

Slovakia: A view on Rroma Issues

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Slovakia: A view on Rroma Issues

Interesting interview of Alexander Mušinka, who co-authored the strategy for integration of Rroma in the Slovak Republic. He speaks about how many Rroma, whether they all live in Ghettoes (they don’t), whether they really have more children (not always, and more driven by socio-economic factors, i.e. being poor), etc.

Worthwhile read!

EU Auditors Slam Commission Support for Rroma Integration

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EU Auditors Slam Commission Support for Rroma Integration

EU auditors slammed the EU Rroma integration program saying that there is no way of knowing how much money and for what has been spent on Rroma integration programs by the EU…


Regensburg: Rroma Occupy the Cathedral

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Regensburg: Rroma Occupy the Cathedral

A long article in die Welt on the Rroma occupying the Regensburger Cathedral to prosets against their eventual expulsion back to the Balkan, as Germany has declared most countries there as being “safe”. This article asks whether the Rroma have aligned themselves with the Antifa (Anti Fascist Movement) whom die Welt portrays as radical in asylum questions.

Human Trafficking

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Human Trafficking

Yet another article on the operations against human trafficking that has been launched by the Netherland police. Here Rroma figure prominently as victims but the fear is that in people’s minds, other Rroma are the traffickers.

German Dictionary and Ustasha

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German Dictionary and Ustasha

The Duden is at the centre of a controversy regarding the Ustasha. In its latest definition, they say “Croatian Nationalist movement who fought against Serbian centralism”. This prompted a backlash in the Web, as the Ustasha are definitively Nazis who killed all Rroma in Croatia (yes) and nearly all the Jews there.

French Destiny

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French Destiny

The story of a Rromni who came to France, and managed to get out of the Ghetto is being thrown out again. She broke the laws introduced by Sarkozy forbidding begging with children (7 years in jail and up to 100’000 EUR fines), and went to court three times to fight her conviction. And she won!

She is now on the verge of falling back. The French state’s policies are definitively pro integration …
