Monthly Archives: août 2016

Czech Survivors: So little – So late…

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Czech Survivors: So little – So late…

Germany will pay 2’500 Euro to Czech Rroma Holocaust survivors. Knowing how many effectively survived (actually almost no Czech Rroma did survive, most Rroma in the Czech Republic are originally from Slovakia, having been moved there by the communists right after the war) and the time passed, this is not going to ruin Germany.

It is almost an insult…

Roma Pride in Prague

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Roma Pride in Prague

Roma Pride took place in Prague. This event is taking place since a few years, and, as the second article explains, is far from being a natural thing, as prejudices against homosexuality are often still very strong among Rroma.

Early Weddings

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A long article in the German paper “Die Welt” about the plight of young Rroma girls who are wed at the age of 13 or so.

Yes it happens, but no, it is not common among all Rroma. This is a typical Vlach tradition that is not common in other places. But otherwise, for a change quite well informed. They are true in the fact that traditionally, the first boyfriend is one’s husband. Overall, the article in not bad.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Not much this week on Rroma. Several articles on the Rroma expulsed from Montreuil near Paris who, 16 days after the facts, are still without shelter. Also a polemic in Lyon about the municipality of Lyon who cut water to a Rroma camp, and a young pickpocket of 12 …

Olympic effect, it seems, or simply August lull ?

On Racism Against Rroma

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An interview of two activists on racism against Rroma and the general problems of Rroma in Europe. Good, except for a historical imprecision: Rroma arrived in Europe in the 9th century. Not in the 15th. The 15th century represents the arrival of Rroma in western Europe…

Another Blunt Article …

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Another Blunt Article …

Guess what, lots of immigrants from Romania and Bulgaria, mostly Rroma – says who? – and thus “massive abuses” of the welfare system.

This article is typical of what should not be done: Sensation, generalisation, and ethnic branding…


Mariazell Pilgrimage

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Sunday August 14th is the day of the traditional Rroma pilgrimage to Mariazell. The tradition, which had been up kept for centuries was forbidden by the Nazis and was only restarted in 1996.

A bishop will be celebrating the mass.

Czech Philharmonic and Rroma

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Czech Philharmonic and Rroma

The Czech Philharmonic is taking time to teach young disadvantaged Rroma music in a music and dance camp attended by 60 children.

Few remarks: There are more than 60 kids in need. And why dance? Isn’t this just too much stereotype?

Germany: More on the Regensburg Refugees

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Germany: More on the Regensburg Refugees

A background article on the facts behind the eviction (and arrest) of the Rroma who took refuge in a parish house following their occupation of the Regensburg Cathedral. The role of the church is definitively open to  critique.

Camp for Travellers in Canton Bern, Switzerland

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Camp for Travellers in Canton Bern, Switzerland

The canton  Bern is asking the federal government for money to install a new camping site for foreign travellers. The price tag is ridiculously high (several million Swiss francs), and anyhow, why are the Swiss segregating by nationality? This is the outrageous thing.

The rightist party, the SVP is jumping on the bandwagon too.

Regensburg, Germany: Refugees leave the Parish House

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Regensburg, Germany: Refugees leave the Parish House

In Regensburg, the Rroma who initially occupied the cathedral and then accepted to move to a parish house have left that parish house. Tow of them, one from Kosovo and the other from Macedonia who are under an expulsion order have been arrested. The rest of the refugees have been handed over to the various authorities in charge of refugees. They most probably will also be deported at some point due to the “safe country” policies of Germany.


Switzerland: Rroma Beggars in Zurich

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Switzerland: Rroma Beggars in Zurich

Rroma beggars from Romania are camping in a park near a church in the centre of Zurich. And of course, all the clichés are there: clans, with its clan head (patriarchal structures), poor, stealing, etc.

Bad for Rroma in general, and bad that the press needs to say these are Rroma. They are poor people, that is all.

Now the Domari

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Now the Domari

The Dom (plural Domari), who are related to Rroma, stemming from the same Indian migration as them bu having remained in the Middle East instead of moving to the Balkans, are victims of the Syrian War. They are being killed by the Daech, and none of the current factions is really for them. Very much like the Syriac (Aramaic speaking Christians) or the Yazidi, they are the target of the extremists.

The first ones have now arrived in France.

Canada: More on the Lakatos

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Canada: More on the Lakatos

The asylum story of the Lakatos family continues to make the headlines. They should grant them their asylum …