Daily Archives: septembre 20, 2016

Hungary Urged to End “Benevolent Segregation”

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What can be “benevolent” about segregation? This is simply segregation, and is practised enthusiastically in Hungary in villages, in schools, and wherever possible.
End these practices.

– Experts urge Hungary to end ‘benevolent segregation’ of Roma. In: Fox News. 19.09.2016. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/09/19/experts-urge-hungary-to-end-benevolent-segregation-roma.html
– Europe rights body demands Hungary end Roma segregation. In: The Standard. 19.09.2016. http://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news.php?id=79721

Switzerland: Rroma feel Ignored by Berset

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Following the recognition of Jenische and Sinti by Alain Berset, Swiss Interior Minister, Rroma rightly feel excluded. Event though they number far more than Jenische and Sinti in Switzerland…
But then, in that country, Rroma is used as an almost synonym for foreigner.

– Schweizer Roma fühlen sich von Alain Berset ignoriert. In: Tages Anzeiger. 20.09.2016. http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/schweiz/standard/schweizer-roma-fuehlen-sich-von-alain-berset-ignoriert/story/21075063
