Daily Archives: septembre 26, 2016

Hungary: Jobbik against Rroma Spending

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The Hungarian extreme rightist party Jobbik is attacking the government plans to spend 91 billion forint for Rroma integration during the next 4 years and accused the government of “election racism” …
One thing is clear though, Jobbik is certainly racist.

– Jobbik attacks Roma spending. In: Budapest Times. 25.09.2016. http://budapesttimes.hu/2016/09/25/jobbik-attacks-roma-spending/ [link-preview url=”http://budapesttimes.hu/2016/09/25/jobbik-attacks-roma-spending/”]

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Rroma in the Slovak town of Velky near Kosiče are being housed in mobile homes and caravans instead of regular houses, this for economical reasons as it is cheaper for the municipality.
In spite of the fact that Rroma in Slovakia have NEVER lived in caravans before. How about a bit of integration instead of further segregation!

– Rómovia vo Veľkej Ide žijú aj v karavanoch. Podľa starostu sa to osvedčilo. In: Korzar. 23.09.2016. http://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/20284128/romovia-vo-velkej-ide-ziju-aj-v-karavanoch-podla-starostu-sa-to-osvedcilo.html

Germany: Camp Closed

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An illegal Rroma camp was closed in Germany near Kassel. Most of the residents were from Bulgaria and Romania.

– Stadt räumt illegalen Zeltplatz: Rumänen und Bulgaren hatten dort ihr Quartier. In: HNA. 23.09.2016. https://www.hna.de/kassel/bettenhausen-ort94136/stadt-raeumt-illegalen-zeltplatz-rumaenen-bulgaren-hatten-dort-quartier-6779730.html [link-preview url=””]
