Another article on Rroma travellers in Switzerland. And the perpetuation of new myths: There are more and more of them coming in Switzerland (FALSE, exactly as before), they need so-called “Transit” camping place, even though they are not in transit through Switzerland but work here, etc. And on top, the segregation of camping sites between Swiss travellers and the others is considered almost as natural.SHAME!- Die Frage der Fahrenden sorgt für Kopfzerbrechen. In: Swissinfo. 19.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]
Daily Archives: septembre 30, 2016
Romani Rose: Thanks!
Romani Rose thanked Angela Merkel for her policy on refugees and greeted the creation of a new institute for Roma art and culture in Berlin.- Romani Rose bedankt sich bei Kanzlerin Merkel begrüßt Einrichtung eines Roma Instituts. In: Berliner Zeitung. 27.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]
Slovakia: No Rroma Please
Job advertisement in Slovakia are full of discriminatory or racist comments. One example: “Roma, do not call us” … And this in the EU.SHAME!- Employers: Roma, do not call us! In: Slovak Spectator. 27.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]