Daily Archives: octobre 3, 2016

Glasgow Girls

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An interview of one of the cast of the play “Glasgow Girls” currently running in the UK and, among the girls in the play casts a young Rromni from Kosovo and her plight as a refugee in Scottland.

– Interview with Roanna Davidson from the cast of Glasgow Girls. In: London Theatre. 26.09.2016. https://www.londontheatre1.com/news/148085/interview-roanna-davidson-cast-glasgow-girls/ [link-preview url=””]

France: What Living in a Camp Means

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A reportage on living ina camp, on improvising a house and on scavenging materials to build it and to live in. But also on the fact that this work is always repeated as they are regularly expelled.There sure has to be a better solution…- MURS EN MOQUETTE ET TOITS EN CONTREPLAQUÉ : ON A CONSTRUIT UN BIDONVILLE AVEC DES ROMS. In: Street Press. 26.09.2016. http://www.streetpress.com/sujet/1474644933-construction-bidonville-roms [link-preview url=”http://www.streetpress.com/sujet/1474644933-construction-bidonville-roms”]

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Two articles in the aftermath of the ban of begging in Lausanne. One by a photographer, Yves Leresche, who has been taking picture of these beggars in both Switzerland and Romania, and the other, on the actual effects of banning beggars. The bans are actually bad and make matter worse.

– Yves Leresche: «je m’étonne de l’absence de débat sur la mendicité» In: La Côte. 30.09.2016. http://www.lacote.ch/articles/regions/vaud/yves-leresche-je-m-etonne-de-l-absence-de-debat-sur-la-mendicite-1-2-585162
– A Genève, le bilan inquiétant de la loi anti-mendicité. In: Le Courrier. 29.09.2016. http://www.lecourrier.ch/142819/a_geneve_le_bilan_inquietant_de_la_loi_anti_mendicite [link-preview url=”http://www.lacote.ch/articles/regions/vaud/yves-leresche-je-m-etonne-de-l-absence-de-debat-sur-la-mendicite-1-2-585162″]
