Daily Archives: octobre 23, 2016

Italy: Know before Judging!

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An interesting article about Rroma in Italy, speaking about the Abbruzzesi – an autochthonous local Rroma group that are the descendants of the first Rroma who arrived there in the early 15th century, the more recent Sinti, and the Rroma from former Yugoslavia. They also speak about the camps and the fact that Rroma are forced to live in such camps, often against their will.

– Rom: conoscere, prima di giudicare. In: L’Opinione. 22.10.2016. http://www.opinione.it/politica/2016/10/22/arconti_politica-22-10.aspx [link-preview url=”http://www.opinione.it/politica/2016/10/22/arconti_politica-22-10.aspx”]

Germany: Duisburg expels Rroma

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The city of Duisburg in Germany expelled Rroma families from appartments in one of the city’s neighbourhoods. Apparently, these expulsions are against the law and were conducted in a brutal manner by the local police.

– Nachts auf die Straße gesetzt. In: Junge Welt. 21.10.2016. https://www.jungewelt.de/m/artikel/295827.nachts-auf-die-straße-gesetzt.html#top [link-preview url=”https://www.jungewelt.de/m/artikel/295827.nachts-auf-die-straße-gesetzt.html#top”]

Vienna: A Square named after a Rrom

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A square was named after the Rroma author Ilija Jovanović, who died in 2010 in that city and who was very active in the community and in Romano Centro.

– Wiener Park wird nach dem Lyriker Ilija Jovanović benannt. In: APA. 22.10.2016. http://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20161018_OTS0227/wiener-park-wird-nach-dem-lyriker-ilija-jovanovi-benannt
– Benennung von „Ilija-Jovanović-Park“ – 22.10.2016 In: ORF. 20.10.2016. http://volksgruppen.orf.at/diversitaet/ethnotipps/stories/2804007/ [link-preview url=”http://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20161018_OTS0227/wiener-park-wird-nach-dem-lyriker-ilija-jovanovi-benannt”]

French Chronicle …

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More of the same, in spite of the nearing winter. 600 Rroma displaced by the closure of a camp n St. Ouen near Paris; 100 other Rroma threatened with eviction from their camp near Vigneux sur Seine, close to Paris; a large controversy in the North of France with a mayor publishing statistics based on ethnicity (FORBIDDEN in France), stating that nearly 1’000 live in Denain; a recourse in Roubaix to prevent the destruction of a camp; various associations in Roubaix are protesting the expulsions of Rroma in that city; a positive news in the North with the education of migrant children, Rroma amongst them; another positive note in Nantes, with a shared lunch for migrants; tensions in the South West over squats, especially from Bulgarian Rroma; conflict in Béziers, in the South West of France between the mayor (very much anti-migrant) and associations over the closure of a room that, according to the mayor, was used as an illegal mailbox for migrants and Rroma; and finally, a fire in a camp near Montpellier.

– Saint-Ouen: un important campement Rom évacué. In: BFM TV. 21.10.2016. http://www.bfmtv.com/societe/saint-ouen-un-important-campement-rom-evacue-1050701.html
– SAINT-OUEN : SURSIS POUR LE DÉMANTÈLEMENT DU BIDONVILLE ROM. In: LCI. 20.10.2016. http://www.lci.fr/societe/saint-ouen-sursis-pour-le-demantelement-du-bidonville-rom-2008449.html
– Une centaine de Roms vont être évacués. In: Le Parisien. 18.10.2016. http://www.leparisien.fr/espace-premium/essonne-91/une-centaine-de-roms-vont-etre-evacues-18-10-2016-6220893.php
– Mille Roms à Denain? In: La Voix du Nord. 21.10.2016. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/62725/article/2016-10-21/mille-roms-denain
– Le tableau denaisien brossé par sa maire est-il aussi sombre que ça? In: La Voix du Nord. 21.10.2016. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/62728/article/2016-10-21/le-tableau-denaisien-brosse-par-sa-maire-est-il-aussi-sombre-que-ca
– Roms des Couteaux: nouveau recours pour repousser l’expulsion de trois ans. In: La Voix du Nord. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/62425/article/2016-10-20/roms-des-couteaux-nouveau-recours-pour-repousser-l-expulsion-de-trois-ans
– Roubaix : des associations fustigent la mairie après une expulsion de roms. In: Nord Éclair. 17.10.2016. http://www.nordeclair.fr/info-locale/roubaix-des-associations-fustigent-la-mairie-apres-une-jna50b12891n1273813
– Au collège Simone-de-Beauvoir, les enfants passent devant les réfugiés. In: La Voix du Nord. 17.10.2016. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/60953/article/2016-10-17/au-college-simone-de-beauvoir-les-enfants-passent-devant-les-refugies
– Au coeur de Nantes, un repas partagé contre la misère. In: Ouest France. 22.10.2016. http://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/au-coeur-de-nantes-un-repas-partage-contre-la-misere-4577427
– Crispation autour des squats. In: Ouest France. 22.10.2016. http://www.sudouest.fr/2016/10/22/crispation-autour-des-squats-2543644-3229.php
– Béziers : le conflit entre la municipalité et l’ABCR devant le Conseil d’État. In: Midi Libre. 21.10.2016. http://www.midilibre.fr/2016/10/20/abcr-mairie-le-conflit-devant-le-conseil-d-etat,1412690.php
– Montpellier : caravanes et épaves en feu à cause d’une bougie ! In: Infos H24. 18.10.2016. http://infos-h24.fr/2016/10/18/montpellier-caravanes-feu-campement/ [link-preview url=”http://www.bfmtv.com/societe/saint-ouen-un-important-campement-rom-evacue-1050701.html”]
