Daily Archives: octobre 31, 2016

Germany: on the Holocaust Memorial

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An article obout he Holocaust memorial in Berlin, wich, according to this writing could not be build today, first because it only commemorates the Jewish victims and not Rroma and others, but mostly because the anti-Semitisms has increased so much that such a monument would be controversial.

– ‘Berlin’s Holocaust memorial couldn’t have been built in today’s Germany’ In: i24. 30.10.2016. http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/128893-161030-berlin-s-holocaust-memorial-couldn-t-have-been-built-in-today-s-germany [link-preview url=”http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/128893-161030-berlin-s-holocaust-memorial-couldn-t-have-been-built-in-today-s-germany”]

Germany: Romani Rose on Multicultural Society

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A nice commentary from Romany Rose, the chairman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma, on racism, on multicultural society, and on tolerance.

– Gastkommentar von Romani Rose: Vielfältiges Europa verteidigen. In: Mindener Tagblatt. 31.10.2016. http://www.mt.de/lokales/minden/20963451_Gastkommentar-von-Romani-Rose-Vielfaeltiges-Europaverteidigen.html [link-preview url=”http://www.mt.de/lokales/minden/20963451_Gastkommentar-von-Romani-Rose-Vielfaeltiges-Europaverteidigen.html”]

France: Travellers, Rroma, Gitans

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An attempt by a French news outlet to explain the difference between travellers, Rroma, Gitans, Manouches, etc.
BAD … First it still uses “Tzigane” as the general term. And then, states that Rrom means man – no, it means husband or someone from that group and so on. Would be good if journalists inform themselves before writing things.

– TSIGANES, ROMS, GITANS OU GENS DU VOYAGE… LES DISTINCTIONS À FAIRE. In: LCI. 29.10.2016. http://www.lci.fr/societe/tsiganes-roms-gitans-ou-gens-du-voyage-les-distinctions-a-faire-2010040.html [link-preview url=”http://www.lci.fr/societe/tsiganes-roms-gitans-ou-gens-du-voyage-les-distinctions-a-faire-2010040.html”]
