Daily Archives: novembre 14, 2016

Slovenia: Prime Minister and Rroma

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The Slovenian prime minister Cerar promised to continue addressing the “Rroma question” for the greater benefit of Rroma and other Slovenians citizen …
What that means is anyone’s guess…

– Cerar promises govt support for addressing Roma question. In: STA. 11.11.2016. https://english.sta.si/2323560/cerar-promises-govt-support-for-addressing-roma-question [link-preview url=”https://english.sta.si/2323560/cerar-promises-govt-support-for-addressing-roma-question”]

France: How did they Come

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An interesting reportage about an Ursari family and their children who land in a camp near Paris. A different view on Rroma, a rare thing in France.

– Roman ado. Un autre regard sur les Roms. In: Ouest France. 08.11.2016. http://www.ouest-france.fr/culture/livres/roman-ado-un-autre-regard-sur-les-roms-4596621 [link-preview url=”http://www.ouest-france.fr/culture/livres/roman-ado-un-autre-regard-sur-les-roms-4596621″]
