Daily Archives: novembre 24, 2016

Zurich and Prostitution

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An article about the drive through that was set up for prostitutes in Zurich. Not bad in itself, but the author claims that the prostitutes are “mostly Rroma” which is false. Yes, there are some Rromnja, especially from Hungary, but it is by far not the majority.

– Why Zurich has turned its red-light district into a drive-through, In: The Independent. 23.11.2016. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/why-zurich-is-turning-its-red-light-district-into-a-drive-through-a7429841.html [link-preview url=”http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/why-zurich-is-turning-its-red-light-district-into-a-drive-through-a7429841.html”]

Alt-Right and Germany

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The Alt-Right based movements are gaining ground in Germany. And Minorities, especially Rroma are on the wrong side of this movement.

– ‘New right’ views gain popularity in German society – research. In: MO4CH. 23.11.2016. http://www.mo4ch.com/new-right-views-gain-popularity-in-german-society-research-2/ [link-preview url=”http://www.mo4ch.com/new-right-views-gain-popularity-in-german-society-research-2/”]

Rome: The New Rroma Camp in Court

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The case of the new Roma camp in the North of Rome, a camp that is being pushed by the new Mayor from the five Star movement in spite of earlier promises, landed in court. Several organisations are claiming there is corruption behind it, and that the Italian state violated the master agreement with the EU concerning Rroma integration.
We hope they succeed!

– Nuovo campo rom a Roma Nord: il bando approda in Procura. In: VignaClaraBlog. 22.11.2016. http://www.vignaclarablog.it/2016112265889/nuovo-campo-rom-roma-nord-bando-in-procura/ [link-preview url=”http://www.vignaclarablog.it/2016112265889/nuovo-campo-rom-roma-nord-bando-in-procura/”]
