Monthly Archives: novembre 2016

OSCE Hate Crime Report

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The OSCE released its yearly report on hate crime. Sobering, especially considering Rroma and Sinti.

– OSCE/ODIHR publishes 2015 hate crime data on International Day for Tolerance, calls for renewed efforts to meet data-collection commitments. In: Diplomatic Intelligence. 18.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

France: Right to Education?

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One of the fundamental rights of the French Republic, the right to education is being tramped on by many French mayors who refuse to enrol Rroma and migrants in their schools.

– Le droit à l’éducation bafoué par certaines mairies. In: Le Monde. 18.11.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary: Rroma Fashion Designer

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A Hungarian Rroma and a fashion designer is hoping that his fashion can build bridges in the Hungarian society. We hope so, as currently the society is totally divided and exceedingly racist towards minorities, especially Rroma.

– Roma designer hopes fashion can build bridges in Hungarian society. In: Reuters. 15.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: Right to Water – Also for Rroma

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An action of Amnesty for Rroma in Slovenia: Constitutional right to water must extend to all Rroma communities in that country. That is is not yet the case is really bad.

– Slovenia: Constitutional right to water “must flow down to” Roma communities. In: Amnesty International. 17.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Stumbling Stones for Rroma

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The first stumbling stones –(Stolpersteine), small stones embedded in the pavement reminding the people who lived in a place and died in the Holocaust were inaugurated for Rroma and Sinti victims in Halle.

– Erste Stolpersteine für Sinti in Halle. In: MDR Sachsen-Anhalt. 17.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Gypsy Crime Classes

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Another article about the law enforcement classes called “Without Mercy: Criminal Gypsies/Travelers & the Elderly,” which created an uproar in the Rroma community in the Northwest. The class was apparently cancelled, but still – alone the idea is bad.

– ‘Gypsy’ crime class raises questions about racial profiling. In: Oregon Live. 14.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Greece: Universities for Health

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Several Greek Universities are supporting a program aiming at providing health care to at risk minorities and people. Rroma, but also Pomak minorities are meant to be helped in the program.

– Athens University to support ‘Health for All’ programme for risk groups. In: Tomos News. 11.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland: Not Racist

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The Swiss politician Nathan Güntensperger who wrote in a newspaper that “Rroma do not respect agreements, steal, and lie” has been exonerated of any charges following a complaint for racism from 4 Rroma organisations and the Geselschaft für Bedrohte Völker.
In addition, these organisations literally learnt it via the press, not having immediately received the full document.

– Kein Rassismus-Verfahren gegen Bieler Grossrat. In: Berner Zeitung. 16.11.2016.
– «Les Roms mentent et volent»: le député blanchi. In: 20 Minutes CH. 16.11.2016.
– Wohl kein Rassismus-Verfahren gegen Bieler Grossrat. In: 16.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Vote Buying in Slovakia

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The allegations against Rroma politicians in the Presov region of vote buying have not been confirmed. They were accused of having enticed Rroma to vote by bribing them with cigarette and other gifts.

– Namiesto poslancov Smeru Kubánka s Chudíkom sú vinní Rómovia z Lomničky. In: Dennik. 14.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: A Movie against Racism

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A study of the impact of a movie called Sidliskovy Dream Rhythms showed that it has quite a positive impact on reducing stereotypes and prejudices against Rroma. The movie was seen by nearly 100’000 people in Slovakia and roughly a third of that in the Czech Republic.

– Film o Rytmusovi scitlivil tínedžerov. Ovplyvnil ich názor na Rómov. In: HN Style. 16.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria: Murder

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The murderer of a Rroma couple in the town of Pazardzhik is saying he would do it again. He killed the couple with a knife.

– DER RASSISTISCHE MÖRDER EINES ROMA-EHEPAARS IN BULGARIEN: ‚ICH WÜRDE ES WIEDER TUN!’ In: Roma Anti-Disctimination Network. 09.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

An Article on Rroma Holocaust

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The article is correct on the Holocaust and the persecution of Rroma in Germany by the Nazis, but on Rroma itself, the author has obviously no idea. He speaks of two main “tribes”, the Rroma and the Sinti for one. Please inform yourself prior to writing.

– Black and Brown Triangles – Himmler Targets Gypsies. In: The New Historian. 14.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: Jobbik Changes?

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Vona, the leader of the Hungarian ultr-right party Jobbik is trying to make believe his party is changing fast and is shedding its racism against Rroma and Jews…
Hard to believe.

– Is Hungary’s Jobbik leader really ditching far-right past? In: BBC News. 15.11.2015. [link-preview url=”″]

France: A Video on Fraternity

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A video against segregation and for fraternity …

– [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: Prime Minister and Rroma

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The Slovenian prime minister Cerar promised to continue addressing the “Rroma question” for the greater benefit of Rroma and other Slovenians citizen …
What that means is anyone’s guess…

– Cerar promises govt support for addressing Roma question. In: STA. 11.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

France: How did they Come

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An interesting reportage about an Ursari family and their children who land in a camp near Paris. A different view on Rroma, a rare thing in France.

– Roman ado. Un autre regard sur les Roms. In: Ouest France. 08.11.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Lausanne: Recourse against the Begging Ban

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Lausanne: Recourse against the Begging Ban

The constitutional court of the canton of Vaud in Switzerland will have to decide on the legality of a ban against begging in that canton. The ban was prompted by the presence of less than hundred (yes!!!) beggars in Lausanne, some of which are Rroma.
There could be a few other possibilities …

– Vaud: recours contre l’interdiction de la mendicité. In: 09.11.2016.–recours-contre-l-interdiction-de-la-mendicité/42580662 [link-preview url=”–recours-contre-l-interdiction-de-la-mendicité/42580662″]

More on the Aggression in Italy

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Attacked because his wife is “the gypsy woman who is on television”, Paul Bitch Ninchi, president of Upre Rome and husband of Dijana Pavlovic, actress and Roma activist, had to to undergo surgery after an injury to his left ear drum.

– Aggredito perché sua moglie è la zingara che va in televisione: intervista a Dijana Pavlovic. In: Agenzia Radicale. 12.11.2016.
– Milano, politico aggredito “Tua moglie è una rom” In: Il Giornale. 08.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

UK: Commemoration

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A UK Traveller who won the Victoria Cross in World War One is being remembered!

– Gypsy First World War hero honoured in Scunthorpe. In: The Traveller’s Times. 11.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]