Daily Archives: décembre 9, 2016

Switzerland: Lausanne and Begging

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An article on Rroma beggars in Lausanne, their income (very low) and their aspirations. It features the organisation Opre Rom which helps the Rroma to find a decent job. It is good, as this shows that begging is not a choice, and certainly not a criminal entreprise.

– «Ce n’est pas un choix» In: Le Corrier. 08.12.2016. http://www.lecourrier.ch/144922/ce_n_est_pas_un_choix [link-preview url=”http://www.lecourrier.ch/144922/ce_n_est_pas_un_choix”]

Slovakia and EU Funds

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EU Funds for Rroma are not welcome in many Slovak communes … The Interior Ministry, which administers EU funds Roma, shoes that while some municipalities already have allocated the first millions for the new programming period, it also shows that In practice, many municipalities are not interested. Even though these funds could raise the Rroma standard of living.

– Rozdeľujú sa eurofondy pre Rómov, niektoré obce ich nechcú. In: TA3. 03.12.2016. http://www.ta3.com/clanok/1095503/rozdeluju-sa-eurofondy-pre-romov-niektore-obce-ich-nechcu.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ta3.com/clanok/1095503/rozdeluju-sa-eurofondy-pre-romov-niektore-obce-ich-nechcu.html”]

Italian Football: Again

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Yet another case of racism amongst supporters and players in Italy. This time, fans chanted “Gypsy” at a player … At least this time, there are reactions …

– Baldissoni condemns Roma chants. Italia Football. 06.12.2016. http://www.football-italia.net/95303/baldissoni-condemns-roma-chants [link-preview url=”http://www.football-italia.net/95303/baldissoni-condemns-roma-chants”]
