Daily Archives: décembre 19, 2016

Holocaust Memorial in Amsterdanm

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Liebeskind’s plans for a Holocaust Memorial in Amsterdam were unveiled. The memorial is dedicated to the 103’000 Jews and Rroma from Holland who were sent to the concentration camps.

– Holocaust Memorial Is Closer to Reality in Amsterdam. 16.12.2016. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/16/arts/design/holocaust-memorial-is-closer-to-reality-in-amsterdam.html?_r=0 [link-preview url=”http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/16/arts/design/holocaust-memorial-is-closer-to-reality-in-amsterdam.html?_r=0″]

Beggars in Switzerland

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Beggars are being fined in several French speaking Swiss cities. This is a ploy that allows the authorities to jail and deport them should they not pay them. But surprise, they are now paying their fines …

– Les mendiants se sont mis à payer leurs amendes. In: 20 Minutes (CH). 13.12.2016. http://www.20min.ch/ro/news/geneve/story/Les-mendiants-se-sont-mis-a-payer-leurs-amendes-10569195 [link-preview url=”http://www.20min.ch/ro/news/geneve/story/Les-mendiants-se-sont-mis-a-payer-leurs-amendes-10569195″]

French Comedy …

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Bad taste in France. The comedian Christian Clavier who a while back said he would produce a comedy on Rroma called “Sivouplee” a pun on the beggars asking “s’il vous plait” released the trailer of the movie now called “A bras ouverts” – with open arms.
All clichés are there. BAD and BAD TASTE.

– Christian Clavier accueille des roms dans “A bras ouvert” In: Paris Match. 16.12.2016. http://www.parismatch.com/Culture/Cinema/Christian-Clavier-accueille-des-roms-dans-A-bras-ouvert-1145000
– Christian Clavier accueille des Roms dans la bande-annonce d’À Bras ouverts. In: Premiere. 16.12.2016. http://www.premiere.fr/Cinema/News-Cinema/Christian-Clavier-accueille-des-Roms-dans-la-bande-annonce-d-A-Bras-ouverts
– Clavier lance la bande-annonce de Sivouplééé ! rebaptisé À bras ouverts. In: Le Point. 16.12.2016. http://www.lepoint.fr/pop-culture/cinema/clavier-lance-la-bande-annonce-de-sivoupleee-rebaptise-a-bras-ouverts-16-12-2016-2090909_2923.php
– À bras ouverts: S’il vous plaît, pas une comédie sur les Roms avec Christian Clavier! In: Le Figaro. 16.12.2016. http://www.lefigaro.fr/culture/2016/12/17/03004-20161217ARTFIG00088–bras-ouverts-s-il-vous-plait-pas-une-comedie-sur-les-roms-avec-christian-clavier.php
– A bras ouverts : la comédie de Christian Clavier décriée sur YouTube et Twitter. In: Braindamaged. 18.12.2016. http://braindamaged.fr/2016/12/18/a-bras-ouverts-la-comedie-de-christian-clavier-decriee-sur-youtube-et-twitter/
– Le trailer malaise du jour : la comédie sur les Roms avec Christian Clavier. In: konbini.com. http://www.konbini.com/fr/entertainment-2/trailer-malaise-jour-comedie-roms-christian-clavier/ [link-preview url=”http://www.parismatch.com/Culture/Cinema/Christian-Clavier-accueille-des-roms-dans-A-bras-ouvert-1145000″]
