Daily Archives: décembre 21, 2016

Shut Your Eyes …

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The first episode of Shut Eyes has been released. Stereotypes aplenty.

– ‘Shut Eye’: Watch the First Episode of Jeffrey Donovan’s New Psychic Drama Here. In: Yahooh TV. 20.12.2016. https://www.yahoo.com/tv/shut-eye-hulu-watch-first-episode-free-yahoo-view-153729602.html [link-preview url=”https://www.yahoo.com/tv/shut-eye-hulu-watch-first-episode-free-yahoo-view-153729602.html”]

Rroma Holocaust on YouTube

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An article about the resources on the Rroma Holocaust that can be found on YouTube and other open sources. Chilling article.

– Der Völkermord an den Sinti und Roma auf Youtube. In: HaGalil. 18.12.2016. http://www.hagalil.com/2016/12/sinti-und-roma-3/ [link-preview url=”http://www.hagalil.com/2016/12/sinti-und-roma-3/”]

Berlin, the Subway, and Rroma

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The person who kicked a young woman down the stairs in Berlin has been identified. He is unfortunately a Rrom from Bulgaria. He is definitively a criminal, and deserves a penalty, but it seems that the papers are more concerned about his ethnicity rather than the facts.

– PICTURED: Man wanted for booting woman down underground train station stairs. In: Daily Stars. 15.12.2016. http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/570651/man-kicking-woman-down-stairs-wanted-berlin-germany-metro-train-station [link-preview url=”http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/570651/man-kicking-woman-down-stairs-wanted-berlin-germany-metro-train-station”]

Slovakia: Evictions

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An eviction notice was served to the mostly Rroma population of the street to the hospital in Bánovce nad. No alternative lodgings has been provided, meaning the municipality actually violates UN Conventions.
This is bad …

– Rómov chce mesto vysťahovať. Chráni ich však právnik a OSN. In: Aktualne.sk. 18.12.2016. http://aktualne.atlas.sk/slovensko/regiony/banovskych-romov-chce-mesto-vystahovat-podla-pravnika-porusuje-dohovor-osn.html [link-preview url=”http://aktualne.atlas.sk/slovensko/regiony/banovskych-romov-chce-mesto-vystahovat-podla-pravnika-porusuje-dohovor-osn.html”]
