Daily Archives: décembre 23, 2016

Slovenia: New Rroma Representative

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The President of the Slovenian Roma Association Jožek Horvat Muc became the new chairperson of the Council of the Roma community, the Roma umbrella organization in Slovenia. He has been elected by two third of the vote for a two year mandate.

– Jožek Horvat Muc je novi predsednik Sveta romske skupnosti. In: Pomurec. 21.12.2016. http://www.pomurec.com/vsebina/41040/Jozek_Horvat_Muc_je_novi_predsednik_Sveta_romske_skupnosti [link-preview url=”http://www.pomurec.com/vsebina/41040/Jozek_Horvat_Muc_je_novi_predsednik_Sveta_romske_skupnosti”]

Germany, Social Help, and the Left

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Economics Minister and Social Democratic Party chairman, Sigmar Gabriel, called for the curtailing of child allowances for European residents in Germany if their children are not currently living in the country.
He claims: “In some large cities, there are whole streets with run-down estates where immigrants live for just one reason: because they can receive child allowance at a German level for their children who do not live in Germany.”
This is total propaganda …

– Germany: SPD leader calls for cuts to child benefits for European citizens. In: The World Socialist Website. 22.12.2016. http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2016/12/22/chil-d22.html [link-preview url=”http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2016/12/22/chil-d22.html”]

Switzerland and Travellers

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The new president of the Foundation for the future of Swiss travellers, Christoph Neuhaus wants to create temporary camping sites for travellers. This follows the rejection of a more permanent setup in Bern this year.
Good, and let’s hope these are open to non-Swiss travellers, as this is often not the case.

– Neuhaus ist «am Klinkenputzen» – auf der Suche nach provisorischem Transitplatz. In: Der Bund. 23.12.2016. http://www.derbund.ch/bern/nachrichten/Neuhaus-ist-am-Klinkenputzen–auf-der-Suche-nach-provisorischem-Transitplatz/story/11306644 [link-preview url=”http://www.derbund.ch/bern/nachrichten/Neuhaus-ist-am-Klinkenputzen–auf-der-Suche-nach-provisorischem-Transitplatz/story/11306644″]
