Daily Archives: décembre 24, 2016

Czech Republic: Rrom Sentenced for Racism

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Czech Republic: Rrom Sentenced for Racism

A young Rrom was sentenced to 8 months of prison for racism for having shouted “Czech f*ckers” during a commemoration for the young Rrom who was killed in a pizzeria a while back. The man was his cousin.
Using terms slandering Rroma is apparently not treated the same way, otherwise, there would be many people in Jail in that country.

– Czech court sentences Romani man to prison for racist abuse while mourning a relative’s death. In: Romea. 22.12.2016. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-court-sentences-romani-man-to-prison-for-racist-abuse-while-mourning-a-relative-s-death [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-court-sentences-romani-man-to-prison-for-racist-abuse-while-mourning-a-relative-s-death”]

Rroma Spirit Awards 2016

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Rroma Spirit Awards 2016

The Roma Spirit Awards were handed out in Bratislava. The awards are given to people and organisation who contribute in reducing prejudices against Rroma.

– Roma Spirit 2016 awards handed out. In: The Slovak Spectator. 22.12.2016. http://spectator.sme.sk/c/20416816/roma-spirit-2016-awards-handed-out.html [link-preview url=”http://spectator.sme.sk/c/20416816/roma-spirit-2016-awards-handed-out.html”]

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The Swiss Federal Council has reviewed the result of a task force on Jenische, Sinti and Rroma. According to the press, the government wants to recognise Jenische and Sinti as a Swiss minority. Rroma are once again considered to be “foreign”.
No comments …

– Bund bestätigt Stossrichtung bei Fahrenden. In: Bluewin. 21.12.2016. https://www.bluewin.ch/de/news/inland/2016/12/21/bundesrat-will-jenische-und-sinti-anerkennen-und-u.html
– Bundesrat will Jenische und Sinti anerkennen und unterstützen. In: Obwaldner Zeitung. 21.12.2016. http://www.obwaldnerzeitung.ch/nachrichten/schweiz/Bund-bestaetigt-Stossrichtung-bei-Fahrenden;art46447,923332 [link-preview url=”https://www.bluewin.ch/de/news/inland/2016/12/21/bundesrat-will-jenische-und-sinti-anerkennen-und-u.html “]
