Daily Archives: décembre 29, 2016

What to Say

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Yet another case where the “good” society goes wrong. One wonders if it is the norm or the exception…

– Children report ‘physical abuse’ by staff in G4S-run youth jails. In: iNews. 29.12.2016. https://inews.co.uk/essentials/news/uk/children-report-physical-abuse-staff-g4s-run-youth-jails/ [link-preview url=”https://inews.co.uk/essentials/news/uk/children-report-physical-abuse-staff-g4s-run-youth-jails/”]

Mallorca: Political Correctness and Reality

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An article about the Rroma neighbourhood of Son Banya in Palma de Mallorca. Never mind that there were never Sinti in Mallorca (except as tourists), the whole article is full of stereotypes. Drugs, poverty, and of course, the good helpers …

– Patronat für Elendssiedlung Son Banya verschwindet. In: Mallorca Magazin. 26.12.2016. https://mallorcamagazin.com/nachrichten/gesellschaft/2016/12/26/51998/patronat-fur-die-elendssiedlung-son-banya-verschwindet.html [link-preview url=”https://mallorcamagazin.com/nachrichten/gesellschaft/2016/12/26/51998/patronat-fur-die-elendssiedlung-son-banya-verschwindet.html”]

France: Anti-Semite and Anti-Rroma

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A 44 years old man was arraigned for having sprayed swastikas and anti-Jewish as well as anti-Rroma slogans in Paris.
Let’s hope he gets locked.

– À la une ce mercredi 28 décembre… In: Le Point. 28.12.2016. http://www.lepoint.fr/actu-du-jour/a-la-une-ce-mercredi-28-decembre-27-12-2016-2093274_781.php [link-preview url=”http://www.lepoint.fr/actu-du-jour/a-la-une-ce-mercredi-28-decembre-27-12-2016-2093274_781.php”]
