Monthly Archives: décembre 2016

I am a Sinto

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The Association of German Sinti and Roma has issued a movie commemorating 40 years of civil society work and of the fight against stereotypes and prejudice.
Worth seing!

– „Ich bin ein deutscher Sinto“ In: Echo. 22.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Rome: A move on the Camps

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Now it’s official. On December 21, Roma Capitale, at the request of Laura Baldassarre, the Councillor of People, School and Community Solidarity, suspended calls for tenders for the management of the camps, the so-called “equipped villages”.
This should effectively mean the closure of these camps who are a disgrace.

– SVOLTA DEFINITIVA? Roma, chiudono tutti i campi rom. In: Il Quotidiano del Lazio. 25.12.2016.
– CAMPI ROM. DOPO IL DELITTO UNA FIRMA, PER CERCARE IL DIALOGO. In: Retisolidali. 23.12.2016. [link-preview url=” “]

Czech Republic: Rrom Sentenced for Racism

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Czech Republic: Rrom Sentenced for Racism

A young Rrom was sentenced to 8 months of prison for racism for having shouted “Czech f*ckers” during a commemoration for the young Rrom who was killed in a pizzeria a while back. The man was his cousin.
Using terms slandering Rroma is apparently not treated the same way, otherwise, there would be many people in Jail in that country.

– Czech court sentences Romani man to prison for racist abuse while mourning a relative’s death. In: Romea. 22.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Rroma Spirit Awards 2016

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Rroma Spirit Awards 2016

The Roma Spirit Awards were handed out in Bratislava. The awards are given to people and organisation who contribute in reducing prejudices against Rroma.

– Roma Spirit 2016 awards handed out. In: The Slovak Spectator. 22.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

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The Swiss Federal Council has reviewed the result of a task force on Jenische, Sinti and Rroma. According to the press, the government wants to recognise Jenische and Sinti as a Swiss minority. Rroma are once again considered to be “foreign”.
No comments …

– Bund bestätigt Stossrichtung bei Fahrenden. In: Bluewin. 21.12.2016.
– Bundesrat will Jenische und Sinti anerkennen und unterstützen. In: Obwaldner Zeitung. 21.12.2016.;art46447,923332 [link-preview url=” “]

Slovenia: New Rroma Representative

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The President of the Slovenian Roma Association Jožek Horvat Muc became the new chairperson of the Council of the Roma community, the Roma umbrella organization in Slovenia. He has been elected by two third of the vote for a two year mandate.

– Jožek Horvat Muc je novi predsednik Sveta romske skupnosti. In: Pomurec. 21.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Germany, Social Help, and the Left

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Economics Minister and Social Democratic Party chairman, Sigmar Gabriel, called for the curtailing of child allowances for European residents in Germany if their children are not currently living in the country.
He claims: “In some large cities, there are whole streets with run-down estates where immigrants live for just one reason: because they can receive child allowance at a German level for their children who do not live in Germany.”
This is total propaganda …

– Germany: SPD leader calls for cuts to child benefits for European citizens. In: The World Socialist Website. 22.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland and Travellers

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The new president of the Foundation for the future of Swiss travellers, Christoph Neuhaus wants to create temporary camping sites for travellers. This follows the rejection of a more permanent setup in Bern this year.
Good, and let’s hope these are open to non-Swiss travellers, as this is often not the case.

– Neuhaus ist «am Klinkenputzen» – auf der Suche nach provisorischem Transitplatz. In: Der Bund. 23.12.2016.–auf-der-Suche-nach-provisorischem-Transitplatz/story/11306644 [link-preview url=”–auf-der-Suche-nach-provisorischem-Transitplatz/story/11306644″]

Bosnia and Rroma

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The struggle of Rroma in Bosnia, a country that broke down because of nationalism and leaves little space to minorities. Here, the story of Redzo Seferovic who is the first Roma elected to head a municipal council in Bosnia.

– Roma breaks glass ceiling in Bosnia but challenges remain. In: Yahoo Singapore. 19.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary and Electricity

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The story of a foundation who is giving away solar panels to poor Rroma in Hungary so that they have electricity. As they struggle to pay the bill, electricity is often lacking, even when the houses are on the grid.

– “Light bringers” help Hungary’s impoverished Roma power their homes. In: Daily Mail. 16.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Graves of Holocaust Survivors

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The Federal government and the Regions in Germany have finally promised to retain the graves of Rroma Holocaust survivors. Normally, unless the family pays, these graves are re-used after a 25 years period.
May these people rest in peace and eternity.

– Gräber verfolgter Sinti und Roma können erhalten bleiben – damit die Erinnerung an den Porajmos weiterlebt. In: Bundespresseportal. 20.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Shut Your Eyes …

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The first episode of Shut Eyes has been released. Stereotypes aplenty.

– ‘Shut Eye’: Watch the First Episode of Jeffrey Donovan’s New Psychic Drama Here. In: Yahooh TV. 20.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Rroma Holocaust on YouTube

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An article about the resources on the Rroma Holocaust that can be found on YouTube and other open sources. Chilling article.

– Der Völkermord an den Sinti und Roma auf Youtube. In: HaGalil. 18.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Berlin, the Subway, and Rroma

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The person who kicked a young woman down the stairs in Berlin has been identified. He is unfortunately a Rrom from Bulgaria. He is definitively a criminal, and deserves a penalty, but it seems that the papers are more concerned about his ethnicity rather than the facts.

– PICTURED: Man wanted for booting woman down underground train station stairs. In: Daily Stars. 15.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Evictions

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An eviction notice was served to the mostly Rroma population of the street to the hospital in Bánovce nad. No alternative lodgings has been provided, meaning the municipality actually violates UN Conventions.
This is bad …

– Rómov chce mesto vysťahovať. Chráni ich však právnik a OSN. In: 18.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic: Expulsions of Rroma

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Several Rroma families will be expelled before the end of the year from their houses in Broumov as their lease expires and has not been renewed. The city does not have any social housing available, so the families have nowhere to go.

– Czech Republic: Many Romani families being evicted by year-end. In: 19.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: The Case of Police Brutality

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The case of police brutality in a Rroma settlement is continuing. While the prosecution of the policemen who intervened in the Rroma settlement and beat up its residents has been stopped, the lawyers of the victims have filed another legal complaint …

– Neprimeraný útok na Rómov má prvého obvineného. In: TVNoviny. 19.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Hungarian Minister Balog gets a Price in Germany

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Zoltan Balog, the Hungarian Minister of Human Resources, was awarded the Rainer-Hildebrandt-medal for human rights. YES, you read it, for human rights. He who advocates the SEGREGATION of Rroma in schools, and whose positions on minorities and migrants are far from any rights…
SHAME for this.

– Rechte für Menschenrechte. In: TAZ. 15.12.2016.!5363976/ [link-preview url=”!5363976/”]

Holocaust Memorial in Amsterdanm

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Liebeskind’s plans for a Holocaust Memorial in Amsterdam were unveiled. The memorial is dedicated to the 103’000 Jews and Rroma from Holland who were sent to the concentration camps.

– Holocaust Memorial Is Closer to Reality in Amsterdam. 16.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Beggars in Switzerland

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Beggars are being fined in several French speaking Swiss cities. This is a ploy that allows the authorities to jail and deport them should they not pay them. But surprise, they are now paying their fines …

– Les mendiants se sont mis à payer leurs amendes. In: 20 Minutes (CH). 13.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]