Monthly Archives: janvier 2017

Marine Le Pen in Northern France

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The president (and presidential candidate) of the Front National said in a meeting in Dinan, in the north, that criminality and insecurity were the result of the presence of 1’000 Rroma in that city.
This is racism at its worst.

– Sécurité à Denain : Marine Le Pen met en cause “1000 Roms” In: FR3 Nord Pas de Calais. 27.01.2017.
– Pour Marine Le Pen, il y a de l’insécurité « parce qu’il y a 1 000 Roms sur la ville » In: La Voix du Nord. 27.01.2017.
– Dans le Nord, Marine Le Pen joue la carte anti-Fillon. In: L’Oeuil sur Le Front. 27.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

UK: Hate Crimes

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A short article on hate crimes against minorities, especially Rroma, that are unreported in Southern Wales. Up to 40% of such crimes are never reported.

– Gwent hate crime going unreported. In: Free Press. 26.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Croatia, Holocaust and Boycott

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This year, Jews again boycotted the Croatian commemorations of the Holocaust. Several Rroma organisations too, although several other did attend.
An explanation of why this boycott: The history is being quietly rewritten in Croatia, and the crimes of the Ustasha and the murders they committed are being retouched.
Rroma and Jews were their victims in camps such as the infamous Jasenovac.

Why Croatian Jews Boycotted This Year’s Holocaust Remembrance Day. In: The Smithonian. 27.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Le Pen: Appeal

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Jean Marie Le Pen, who had been condemned in first instance for his statements against Rroma is appealing the decisions. Let’s hope he will not succeed!

– Bouches-du-Rhône: Jean-Marie Le Pen jugé pour des propos sur les Roms en appel. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 24.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo and Justice

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Years after the end of the Kosovo war, Rroma still await justice for the crimes committed against them in that region by the UCK and Kosovo nationalists. They were evicted from their houses, killed, simply disappeared. And most of all, they were kicked out of their country, a country where they had stayed since their arrival more than 1000 years ago.

– Roma in Kosovo: The justice that never came. In: Al Jazeera. 26.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany and the Holocaust

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A good article on how Germany remembers and deals with its past.

– Holocaust remembrance day: How Germany reflects on its Nazi past. In: The Local (DE). 27.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

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More news this week in France. Worryingly, besides the usual expulsions, there are many news about criminal Rroma. This is really bad!
In Paris, the Rroma camping on the petite ceinture railway and in a disaffected tunnel will have to go; near the Marne river, a controversy about garbage left by Rroma, and an action to clean the banks of the Marne; the story of a Rromni, Parashkeva, whose caravan was destroyed during an evacuation in the North of France in Loos; a view from above of a camp in Hellemes, also in the North of France; and an article about what happened to people whose camp was evacuated recently.
Then, crime …
In the North, where 4 Rroma were stealing because of hunger; two Rroma arrested in Germany in a truck stolen in Western France full of tools; 9 burglaries for a couple in the South; pickpockets in Montpellier; and another article about petty theft in the South.

– Expulsion avancée pour les Roms de la petite ceinture ? In: Le Parisien. 27.01.2017.
– Paris: Un bidonville «rom» aussi dans le 17e le long de la Petite Ceinture. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 26.01.2017.
– Paris : le village Rom dans le tunnel de la Petite Ceinture devra disparaître. In: Le Parisien. 25.01.2017.
– Route de Malnoue : tout le monde se renvoie la balle ! In: Le Parisien. 25.01.2017.
– Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes. Ils ont nettoyé les bords de Marne et l’ancien camp rom. In: Le Parisien. 23.01.2017.
– Parachkeva, du camp rom de la prison à un travail d’insertion. In: La Voix du Nord. 23.01.2017.
– L’ancienne imprimerie d’Hellemmes vue du ciel. In: La Voix du Nord. 27.01.2017.
– Que sont devenues les autres familles roms évacuées? In: La Voix du Nord. 23.01.2017.
– «Ils sont allés voler parce qu’ils crèvent de faim» : direction la prison. In: La Voix du Nord. 28.01.2017.
– Deux voleurs interpellés en Allemagne à bord d’un camion d’outils volés en Loire-Atlantique. In: Breizh Info. 29.01.2017.
– Neuf cambriolages pour le couple : prison ferme. In: LKa Dépèche. 28.01.2017.
– Pickpockets dans le tramway : messages et paiement sans contact. In: Métropolitain. 24.01.2017.
– Les chiffres de la délinquance : nouveau, le « vol à la Zidane » In: Métropolitain. 26.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Ukraine: Rroma Holocaust

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An interview of a Rroma activits on the Rroma Holocaust in the Ukraine where many Rroma were killed, most simply shor on the spot by German troops. And a side note on how to call the Holocaust – certainly not Porajmos which isu usally used as sexual assault.
In each Rroma family in the Ukraine, there have been victims of the Holocaust. Let’s not forget them!

– У Чернігові нацисти у 1942-му винищили майже всю ромську громаду міста. In: громадське радіо. 28.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: Testimonies of a Brutal Attack

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A chilling description of an attach on Rroma in North Eastern Hungary and on the general attitude of authorities towards such crimes. Hungary was condemned by the EU Court of Human Rights exactly for such an attack. But it is not an uncommon thing, unfortunately.

– Masked men attacked the Roma laborers just as the police officer had advised. In: Budapest Beacon. 28.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

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The Canton of Berne, in Switzerland is presenting a new project of law aimed at forbidding some of the work that is done by travellers such as painting, renovations etc. This measure is clearly directed against Rroma from neighbouring countries but will hit all Travellers in Switzerland.

– Schweizer Fahrende wehren sich. In: Berner Zeitung. 23.01.2017.
– Protest gegen ungerechtfertige Vorwürfe. In: SRF. 23.01.2017.
– Le canton de Berne fâche les gens du voyage. In: RFJ. 19.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Rroma Criminality

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A rather long article about Rroma criminality – Rroma offering goods on parking lots in Žilina. The article assumes the goods are stolen and states that Rroma trick people is selling gold and jewellery.
Seems to be a lot of assumptions and a long article for something like this … Well, this is Slovakia and Rroma do not have good press there.

– Skupina Rómov sa v Žiline vypytuje na cestu, ľuďom potom rozdáva elektroniku ako darček. In: Žilinak., 23.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany Mourns Herzog

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Germany paid final respects to Roman Herzog, former President of Germany from 1994 to 1999 who was the first German official who apologised for the Nazi crimes against Rroma.
May he rest in peace!

– Germany mourns former President Herzog, who apologized for Nazi crimes. In: DW. 24.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Holocaust Remembrance

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Several articles in the press on the Holocaust Remembrance Day. From the pope, in Germany, and in Italy.
May they rest in peace!

– Holy See: Holocaust teaches us that vigilance is always needed. In: Radio Vatican. 27.01.2017.
– Holocaust calls us to have ‘respect for the dignity of every person’. In: The Catholic World Report. 27.01.2017.
– Die Opfer sollen nicht vergessen warden. In: RBB24. 27.01.2017.
– Il genocidio di rom e sinti durante il nazi-fascismo: una memoria rimossa. In: Radio Radicale. 27.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

TV, Comics, and Rroma

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A discussion about the upcoming incarnation of a cartoon character called “Gypsy” in a TV series. The very name raises a few questions and concerns, as it is de-facto a racial slur. What would people say if a character was named after the N-word? So why don’t they think about “Gypsy”?

– Reconsidering ‘GYPSY’ As an Ethnic Slur As the DC Character Comes to the CW. In: Newsrama. 26.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Grisly Story in Greece

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A horrible story in Greece, where a deaf 15 year old Rrom admitted sexually assaulting and killing a 6 years old Rroma boy. Apparently the boy had already been held for attempted rape and had been a victim of sexual abuse himself.
Well, this is a bad story, but this is not representative of Rroma…

– Teen admits killing 6-year-old in Greece, highlighting neglect of Roma. In: News Ghana. 25.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

EU Commissioner Jourova on Rroma

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An interview of Vera Jourova on Rroma, EU Projects and the prospects of Rroma. She states that the segregation would have similar consequences for anyone, not just for Rroma, that the problem will not solve by itself, that many EU projects had no effect and were not monitored for success and that Fico’s commentaries violate basis EU tennets.

– Eurokomisárka Jourová o eurofondoch: Vôbec nejde len o Rómov. In: Aktuality. 24.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Czech Republic: Testimonies from Elders

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An article about the Rroma documentary about Holocaust and life under Communism largely based on testimonies of Rroma who lived through it.

– Documentary by young Roma records testimonies of their Elders. In: Slovak Spectator. 25.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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A new book called Romapohobia by Aidan McGarry explores racism against Rroma in Europe and its consequences.

– Is Romaphobia the Last ‘Acceptable’ Form of Racism? In: Vice. 23.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]