Daily Archives: janvier 5, 2017

Hungary Gypsy Policy

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A first in the French Press on how the Hungarian policies towards Rroma are going back to the past where it was legal to kill Rroma … Quite amazing from a mainstream French radio.

– La politique anti-tziganes en Hongrie. In: France Inter. 29.12.2016. https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/la-face-b-de-l-actualite-internationale/la-face-b-de-l-actualite-internationale-29-decembre-2016 [link-preview url=”https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/la-face-b-de-l-actualite-internationale/la-face-b-de-l-actualite-internationale-29-decembre-2016″]

Dallas: Exhibition on Hilter’s Master Race Dream

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An exhibition in Dallas retraces Hitler’s Master Race plans and the consequences on those who did not fit in, Jews and Rroma foremost.

– Exhibition at Misericordia University outlines Hitler’s desire to create ‘master race’ In: The Dallas Post. 03.01.2017. http://mydallaspost.com/news/23264/exhibition-at-misericordia-university-outlines-hitlers-desire-to-create-master-race [link-preview url=”http://mydallaspost.com/news/23264/exhibition-at-misericordia-university-outlines-hitlers-desire-to-create-master-race”]

USA: Warnings form Police

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Reading this, one could think there is a huge influx of criminal Rroma… How about all the people who get shot and other various things that happen quite regularly in most US cities. Why this sudden twist on Rroma?

– APD warns of scammers from Romania. In: Abilene Reporter News. 04.01.2017. http://www.reporternews.com/story/news/crime/2017/01/04/apd-warns-romanian-national-scammers/96154778/ [link-preview url=”http://www.reporternews.com/story/news/crime/2017/01/04/apd-warns-romanian-national-scammers/96154778/”]
