Daily Archives: janvier 18, 2017

Rome and Rroma Camps

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More on the saga of the camps in Rome. Now the plan for the closure (and not the closure) will be ready by the end of the month… What is so complicated?
And by the way, the state gives out 23 Mio EUR for these camps per year, this for ca. 5’000 Rroma. Close to 5’000 EUR per head.
Someone is making money there.

– Roma, giunta Raggi: «Censiremo i campi poi la chiusura entro il 31 gennaio». In: Il Messagero. 17.01.2017. http://www.ilmessaggero.it/roma/campidoglio/roma_roma_raggi_campi-2198886.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ilmessaggero.it/roma/campidoglio/roma_roma_raggi_campi-2198886.html”]

Slovakia: Wallenberg Price

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The recipients of this year Wallenberg price, named after the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in Hungary during World War Two were named. Among them there is a Rroma association, Chakra teachings of Moldava nad Bodvou. The aim of the association is to achieve integration through education.
Well done!

– Wallenbergovu cenu získalo aj slovenské rómske združenie. In: Aktuality. 17.01.2017. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/407616/wallenbergovu-cenu-ziskalo-aj-slovenske-romske-zdruzenie/ [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/407616/wallenbergovu-cenu-ziskalo-aj-slovenske-romske-zdruzenie/”]
