Daily Archives: janvier 23, 2017

Czech Republic: Politics and Rroma

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An interview of a Rroma activist who condemns the recruitment by extremist parties of Rroma to support anti-migrant policies. The same happens in Hungary and in other countries. In Hungary, the government even dsaid that should migrants come in, they would have to cut social help for Rroma …

– Jozef Miker: It irritates me when Workers Party supporters recruit Roma against migrants. In: Romea. 21.01.2017. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/jozef-miker-it-irritates-me-when-workers-party-supporters-recruit-roma-against-migrants

Switzerland: Beggars

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An interview of a Romanian Rroma beggar. Unfortunately, with all stereotypes that one can think of: Arranged weddings, early pregnancies, large families, poverty etc. This is the life of this family and quite a few others but is not the entire Rroma reality.

– « Mendier, c’est tout ce qui me reste à faire » In: L’Hebdo. 17.01.2017. http://www.hebdo.ch/les-blogs/pirolt-sabine-rédacteur-lhebdo/«%C2%A0mendier-c’est-tout-ce-qui-me-reste-à-faire%C2%A0»
– Et si l’on commençait par dire bonjour aux mendicants. In: 24 Heures. 18.01.2017. http://www.24heures.ch/signatures/reflexions/commencait-bonjour-mendiants/story/17545650
