Daily Archives: janvier 27, 2017

TV, Comics, and Rroma

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A discussion about the upcoming incarnation of a cartoon character called “Gypsy” in a TV series. The very name raises a few questions and concerns, as it is de-facto a racial slur. What would people say if a character was named after the N-word? So why don’t they think about “Gypsy”?

– Reconsidering ‘GYPSY’ As an Ethnic Slur As the DC Character Comes to the CW. In: Newsrama. 26.01.2017. http://www.newsarama.com/32801-reconsidering-dc-s-gypsy-name-as-a-racial-slur-in-light-of-her-upcoming-debut-on-cw-s-the-flash.html [link-preview url=”http://www.newsarama.com/32801-reconsidering-dc-s-gypsy-name-as-a-racial-slur-in-light-of-her-upcoming-debut-on-cw-s-the-flash.html”]

Grisly Story in Greece

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A horrible story in Greece, where a deaf 15 year old Rrom admitted sexually assaulting and killing a 6 years old Rroma boy. Apparently the boy had already been held for attempted rape and had been a victim of sexual abuse himself.
Well, this is a bad story, but this is not representative of Rroma…

– Teen admits killing 6-year-old in Greece, highlighting neglect of Roma. In: News Ghana. 25.01.2017. https://www.newsghana.com.gh/teen-admits-killing-6-year-old-in-greece-highlighting-neglect-of-roma/ [link-preview url=”https://www.newsghana.com.gh/teen-admits-killing-6-year-old-in-greece-highlighting-neglect-of-roma/”]

EU Commissioner Jourova on Rroma

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An interview of Vera Jourova on Rroma, EU Projects and the prospects of Rroma. She states that the segregation would have similar consequences for anyone, not just for Rroma, that the problem will not solve by itself, that many EU projects had no effect and were not monitored for success and that Fico’s commentaries violate basis EU tennets.

– Eurokomisárka Jourová o eurofondoch: Vôbec nejde len o Rómov. In: Aktuality. 24.01.2017. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/409063/eurokomisarka-jourova-o-eurofondoch-vobec-nejde-len-o-romov/ [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/409063/eurokomisarka-jourova-o-eurofondoch-vobec-nejde-len-o-romov/”]
