Monthly Archives: janvier 2017

Berlin and Rroma

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Following the case of a shop in Neukölln that forbade Rroma entry, the Berlin Senat has decided to sing a contract with a Rroma organisation „Landesrat der Roma und Sinti, RomnoKher Berlin-Brandenburg e. V.“ with the aim of ensuring that any Rrom, regardless of origins will not be discriminated and will be given the chance to integrate. The association is directed by Dotschy Reinhardt.

– Senat will Vertrag mit Sinti und Roma. In: TaZ. 24.1.2017.!5373308/ [link-preview url=”!5373308/”]

Czech Republic and Sterilisation

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A long article on the forced sterilisations conducted in Czechoslovakia and then in the Czech and Slovak republics, until very recently. These sterilisations were solely motivated by eugenics.
No one has ever been convicted for such a crime, but they should.

– Racism’s cruelest cut: coercive sterilisation of Romani women and their fight for justice in the Czech Republic (1966-2016) In: Open Democracy. 24.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Peter Mercer

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It is with great regrets that we learnt the news of the death of Peter Mercer on January 17th. Peter Mercer relentlessly fought for the rights of Rroma and Travellers in the UK and in Europe. For his work, he was awarded an MBE in 2000.
May he rest in peace.

– Peter Mercer M.B.E. – 22.1.1934 – 17.1.2017. In: The Travellers Time. 20.01.2017.–Features/Peter-Mercer-MBE–2211934–1712017.aspx [link-preview url=”–Features/Peter-Mercer-MBE–2211934–1712017.aspx”]

Germany: Vigils for Rroma Holocaust Victims

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An association supporting the “stepping stones” – the little stones that remember victims of the Holocaust – has been organising vigils specifically for Rroma and Sinti.

– Mahnwache gedenkt Sinti und Roma. In: Südkurrier. 24.01.2017.;art372541,9098240 [link-preview url=”;art372541,9098240″]

Ukraine: Camp on a Dump

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A reportage on a Rroma camp built on a garbage dump in the village of Ribne, near Ivano-Frankivsk. Roughly 500 Rroma live there in appalling conditions, and it seems to be growing.

– Франківець показав, як живе близько п’ятиста циган на сміттєзвалищі у Рибному (фото). In: Версіі. 19.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Sheffield – More on it

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More news on the Sheffield scandal where many Rroma children are being bullied out of school and where the teachers do nothing about it. This time, at long last there seem to be a bit of uproar, and a head teacher calls it by its name: RACISM …

– One in six Roma students excluded from school in Sheffield. In: Yorkshire News. 23.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Czech Republic: Politics and Rroma

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An interview of a Rroma activist who condemns the recruitment by extremist parties of Rroma to support anti-migrant policies. The same happens in Hungary and in other countries. In Hungary, the government even dsaid that should migrants come in, they would have to cut social help for Rroma …

– Jozef Miker: It irritates me when Workers Party supporters recruit Roma against migrants. In: Romea. 21.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland: Beggars

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An interview of a Romanian Rroma beggar. Unfortunately, with all stereotypes that one can think of: Arranged weddings, early pregnancies, large families, poverty etc. This is the life of this family and quite a few others but is not the entire Rroma reality.

– « Mendier, c’est tout ce qui me reste à faire » In: L’Hebdo. 17.01.2017.édacteur-lhebdo/«%C2%A0mendier-c’est-tout-ce-qui-me-reste-à-faire%C2%A0»
– Et si l’on commençait par dire bonjour aux mendicants. In: 24 Heures. 18.01.2017. [link-preview url=”édacteur-lhebdo/«%C2%A0mendier-c’est-tout-ce-qui-me-reste-à-faire%C2%A0» “]

Slovakia: Remembering the 20th Century

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An article and testimonies of Rroma and their lives in the 20th century in central Slovakia. Holocaust, life under communism, the fall of the Iron curtain.

– Rómovia spomínajú na 20. storočie: Gadžo bol mojej dcére za svedka. In: Spravy Pravda. 21.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: Give them a Chance

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The project “give them a chance” was presented recently in Lendava. The project with its partners from Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia prepared a training program for teachers in various education programs and vocational training for adults taught by members of the Roma ethnic minority. As explained by Rachel Hojnik in the People’s University of Lendava the targets of this program are adult educators who work in areas where members of the Roma ethnic minority live.

– Tri države združile moči v projektu za večjo uspešnost izobraževanja odraslih Romov. In: Pomurec. 19.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Netherland: Exhibition

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The Hague: The foundation O Lungo Drom (The Long Road) is organising and exhibition from the 3rd to the 25th of February at the Art Library in the library in Rijswijk. “Sinti and Roma over the centuries in the Netherlands”.

– Sinti en Roma in Nederland. In: Grootrijswijk. [link-preview url=”″]

French Chronicle

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A few news this week in France. The camp on the tracks of the former “petite ceinture” railway in Paris and another one nearby in the 18th Arrondissement will have to be vacated within 4 weeks; a new centre for migrants is opening up in Ivry, north of Paris, and will also accommodate ca. 50 Rroma; the views of an Italian journalist of La Stampa on a French Northern Town; the closure of a squat in Toulouse; and, as usual Breizh Info (rightist webpage) on Rroma criminality.

– Les Roms de la “petite ceinture” ont 4 semaines pour quitter leurs bidonvilles. In: L’Express. 18.01.2017.
– Démantèlement imminent pour le bidonville de la Porte de la Chapelle à Paris. In: France Bleu. 16.01.2017.
– Un sursis de quatre semaines pour les bidonvilles Roms. In: Le Parisien. 18.01.2017.
– Migrants: Ivry va accueillir des femmes dans son nouveau centre. In: Arte. 16.01.2017.
– Ouverture jeudi à Ivry d’un nouveau centre d’accueil pour migrants. In: Le Parisien. 16.01.2017.
– Un second centre pour migrants ouvre jeudi à Ivry-sur-Seine. In: Reuters. 16.01.2017.
– Paris : Le centre humanitaire pour femmes et familles migrantes ouvre ce jeudi à Ivry. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 16.01.2017.
– Un journal italien de référence se penche sur le sort de la ville. In: La Voix du Nord. 20.01.2017.
– Six mois pour résorber la mini “jungle” de Toulouse ? In: Le Point. 21.01.2017.
– Voitures pillées à Machecoul – La délinquance s’installe dans le Sud Loire. In: Breizh Info. 17.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Racism in Czech Schools

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The reality in Czech schools: Racism against Rroma is prevalent. Read the article …

– Carmen Russo: The Fight For a Better Future. Battling Racism in Czech Schools. In: 12.01.2017.
– Carmen Russo: Útěk za lepší budoucností a boj s rasismem v českých školách. In: 16.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Bibliography of Romani Rose

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A bibliography of Romani Rose, chairman of the Central Council of Sinti and Roma in Germany has just been published.

–ür-die-Menschenrechte-220504378360182/ [link-preview url=”ür-die-Menschenrechte-220504378360182/”]

Slovenia: Gentrification

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In Krško, the municipality is planning a residential neighbourhood on the site of a Rroma settlement. A petition was launched and the Slovenian government referred it back to the municipality…
This is not the first time that Rroma are evicted in this manner.

– Krški župan Stanko: Vlada odgovornost pri nameravani gradnji na območju romskega zaselka prelaga na občino. In: STA. 20.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and world War Two

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A testimony of massacres of Rroma during World War Two in Slovakia. Rroma there were often accused to collaborate with the resistance and were therefore deported or simply executed. While this was true in some cases, in others, this was simply a pretext to kill Rroma.
The testimony here is about a massacre in the village of Čierneho Balog in central Slovakia.

– Neviem, kde sa vo mne tá odvaha nabrala. In: Dennik. 20.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Sheffield …

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Another report on the institutional racism against Rroma children in UK’s schools, this time in Sheffield.

‘Sheffield is welcoming – but not for young Roma Slovaks’. In: The Telegraph. 19.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

More on Odessa

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A follow up on the anti-Rroma posters and leaflets being distributed in Odessa since the end of last year. The people who distribute them are still not identified, and it seems that not much is being done …

– Як боротись з ксенофобними листівками? In: Громадське Радіо. 15.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary Condemned

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The European Court for Human Rights condemned Hungary for its lack of protection of Rroma against extreme rightist violence. This is the consequence of a march of ca. 500 Jobbik members through a Rroma neighbourhood in Devecser, chanting racist slogan and threatening the Rroma who lived there. The police did of course nothing.

Ungarn wegen mangelndem Schutz von Roma vor Rechtsextremen verurteilt. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. 17.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]