Daily Archives: février 8, 2017

Memorial in Austria

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In a village in Austria, a memorial was inaugurated recently naming the 22 families of Rroma and Jews that disappeared during the Nazi rule.
May they rest in peace and not be forgotten.

– Gedenktafel für ermordete Roma und Juden enthüllt. In: der Kurier. 31.01.2017. https://kurier.at/chronik/burgenland/gedenktafel-fuer-ermordete-roma-und-juden-enthuellt/243.910.611 [link-preview url=”https://kurier.at/chronik/burgenland/gedenktafel-fuer-ermordete-roma-und-juden-enthuellt/243.910.611″]

Poland: In favour of Rroma

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A court in the Cracow region gave Rroma the right to move into a house that was bought for them by the Limanowski government. The neighbour of that house had protested and the Ombudsman was called.

– Sąd: Romów można przenieść. In: Gazeta Krakowska. 06.02.2017. http://www.gazetakrakowska.pl/wiadomosci/nowy-sacz/a/sad-romow-mozna-przeniesc,11764242/ [link-preview url=”http://www.gazetakrakowska.pl/wiadomosci/nowy-sacz/a/sad-romow-mozna-przeniesc,11764242/”]

Slovakia, Ghettoes, and Opportunity

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Did you know that if you are born into a poor family in Denmark or in Estonia, you have a good opportunity to achieve success in life regardless of ethnicity? But in Slovakia, it is very likely that you will remain poor and so will your children. Especially so if you are born in an Osada – a Rroma settlement.
This must change!

– Skúste si predstaviť, že sa narodíte do rómskej osady. In: Trend. 02.02.2017. http://www.etrend.sk/ekonomika/skuste-si-predstavit-ze-sa-narodite-do-romskej-osady.html [link-preview url=”http://www.etrend.sk/ekonomika/skuste-si-predstavit-ze-sa-narodite-do-romskej-osady.html”]
