Daily Archives: février 14, 2017

Girls go less to Prison – Unless …

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Girls are less prone to be arrested and put in prison, unless they are Rroma, that is. This is the conclusion of a stuty conducted by a sociologist in Paris and its neighbouring communes.

– Les filles vont moins en prison… sauf si elles sont Roms. In: Street Vox. 07.02.2017. http://www.streetpress.com/sujet/1486463469-prison-filles-roms [link-preview url=”http://www.streetpress.com/sujet/1486463469-prison-filles-roms”]

Slovenia – the Boat is Full

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An increasing row between residents, the commune, and Rroma organisations in the town of Novo Mesto in Slovenia, about a Rroma settlement of ca. 800 residents without electricity or water.
Residents cliam the boat is full and something needs to be done.
Let’s say that Slovenia’s Rroma population is tiny… So a solution should not be that difficult, if one wants to find one!

– Dolenjskim Romom je prekipelo, po pravico gredo na Evropsko sodišče. In: Reporter. 10.02.2017. http://reporter.si/clanek/slovenija/dolenjskim-romom-je-prekipelo-po-pravico-gredo-na-evropsko-sodisce-496253 [link-preview url=”http://reporter.si/clanek/slovenija/dolenjskim-romom-je-prekipelo-po-pravico-gredo-na-evropsko-sodisce-496253″]
