Daily Archives: février 24, 2017

Hungary, the Rroma Holocaust, and Finances

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Back and forth between the Hungarian government and Rroma in the case of the closure of the Csepel Rroma Holocaust Centre. According to a Rroma representative, the government tried to pressure them not to make a press conference and accused the centre of irregularities, especially concerning wages and social contributions.

– Roma valóságvita a minisztériummal. In: Nepszava. 23.02.2017. http://nepszava.hu/cikk/1121700-roma-valosagvita-a-miniszteriummal [link-preview url=”http://nepszava.hu/cikk/1121700-roma-valosagvita-a-miniszteriummal”]

Slovakia and Rroma

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The latest report from Amnesty International slams Slovakia for its treatment of Rroma – and a few others too.

– Amnsety International Slams Slovak Discrimination Against Rroma. In: Slovak Spectator. 23.02.2017. https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20467014/amnesty-international-slams-slovak-discrimination-against-roma.html
– Amnesty vytýka Slovensku Rómov a protiimigračný postoj. In: Spravy Pravda. 22.02.2017. http://spravy.pravda.sk/domace/clanok/420816-amnesty-vytyka-slovensku-romov-a-protiimigracne-vyjadrenia/ [link-preview url=”https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20467014/amnesty-international-slams-slovak-discrimination-against-roma.html “]

Plovdiv and Rroma

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Or when a future European capital of culture starts displacing some of its cultural heritage by destroying Rroma homes… This is de-facto ethnic cleansing.

– Künftige Kulturhauptstadt Plowdiw reißt Roma-Häuser ab. In: Der Standart. 23.02.2017. http://derstandard.at/2000053029422/Kuenftige-Kulturhauptstadt-reisst-Roma-Haeuser-ab [link-preview url=”http://derstandard.at/2000053029422/Kuenftige-Kulturhauptstadt-reisst-Roma-Haeuser-ab”]
