Daily Archives: février 26, 2017

French Chronicle…

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News this week seem to be dominated by a fire in a Rroma camp in the North of Paris variously note as being Porte de Clignancourt or Porte de la Chapelle, luckily without victims but with quite a bit of damages. The displaced Rroma are concerned due to lack of alternatives.
The other set of news is from the North of France, with additional aggressions reported near the Deûle canal in Lille, with other women reported having been aggressed by Rroma men. As a result, the city of Lille is requesting the closure of a nearby Rroma camp.
These news are really bad and perpetuate a criminal view of Rroma.

– Paris : incendie dans un campement de Roms de la Porte de Clignancourt. In: Le Parisien. 22.02.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/paris-incendie-dans-un-campement-de-roms-de-la-porte-de-clignancourt-22-02-2017-6701682.php
– Paris: un incendie dans un camp de Roms porte de Clignancourt. In: BFM TV. 22.02.2017. http://www.bfmtv.com/police-justice/paris-un-incendie-en-cours-dans-un-camp-de-refugies-1108030.html
– Evacuation d’un camp rom Porte de la Chapelle après un incendie. In: FR3. 22.02.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/paris-ile-de-france/evacuation-camp-rom-porte-chapelle-apres-incendie-1201353.html
– Paris : inquiétudes pour les Roms évacués de leur bidonville après un incendie. In: Europe 1. 23.02.2017. http://www.europe1.fr/societe/paris-inquietudes-pour-les-roms-evacues-de-leur-bidonville-apres-un-incendie-2986268
– Nouvelles agressions sur les bords de la Deûle et deux interpellations. In: La Voix du Nord. 22.02.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/122485/article/2017-02-22/nouvelles-agressions-sur-les-bords-de-la-deule-et-deux-interpellations
– Lille: les aggressions se multiplient près du canal de la Deûle. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 23.02.2017. http://www.20minutes.fr/lille/2019103-20170223-lille-agressions-multiplient-pres-canal-deule
– La ville de Lille demande l’évacuation d’un camp de Roms après plusieurs agressions. In: FR3. 25.02.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/hauts-de-france/nord-pas-calais/nord/lille-metropole/lille/ville-lille-demande-evacuation-camp-roms-apres-plusieurs-agressions-1203289.html
Lille: la Ville demande l’évacuation d’un camp de Roms après des agressions. In: BFM TV. 25.02.2017. http://www.bfmtv.com/police-justice/lille-la-ville-demande-l-evacuation-d-un-camp-de-roms-apres-des-aggressions-1110440.html [link-preview url=”http://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/paris-incendie-dans-un-campement-de-roms-de-la-porte-de-clignancourt-22-02-2017-6701682.php “]

Poland and Racism

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Roughly 50% of the Poles feel aversion against Rroma. Mind you, the Russians are not so much better off with 38% declaring their aversion towards them.
Number speak, and are really bad!

– Sondaż CBOS: Polacy nie lubią Arabów, Romów i Turków. In: RP. 24.02.2017. http://www.rp.pl/Spoleczenstwo/170229397-Sondaz-CBOS-Polacy-nie-lubia-Arabow-Romow-i-Turkow.html#ap-1 [link-preview url=”http://www.rp.pl/Spoleczenstwo/170229397-Sondaz-CBOS-Polacy-nie-lubia-Arabow-Romow-i-Turkow.html#ap-1″]

Čeja Stojka

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A tribute to Čeja Stojka in the French press.

– Ceija Stojka : à la découverte d’une artiste rom et déportée
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/m-actu/article/2017/02/24/ceija-stojka-a-la-decouverte-d-une-artiste-rom-et-deportee_5085087_4497186.html#VMbqhSuhtA7AIOpC.99 [link-preview url=”http://www.lemonde.fr/m-actu/article/2017/02/24/ceija-stojka-a-la-decouverte-d-une-artiste-rom-et-deportee_5085087_4497186.html#VMbqhSuhtA7AIOpC.99″]


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Italian Lidl employees locked two Rromnja in a container and taunted them. The video is more than disturbing.
Police is said to investigate.

– Lidl employees taunt two gypsy women they trap in recycling containers ‘like wild animals’ in ‘disgraceful’ footage. In: The Mirror. 25.02.2017. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/lidl-employees-taunt-two-gypsy-9914605
– HAVE A LIDL RESPECT. Cruel Lidl employees film themselves locking screaming Roma gypsies in caged supermarket bins. In: The Sun. 24.02.2017. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2948341/cruel-lidl-employees-film-themselves-locking-screaming-roma-gypsies-in-caged-supermarket-bins/
– Police investigate shocking video of Italian Lidl employees tormenting two Roma gypsies they trapped in a recycling container ‘like wild animals’ . In: The Mail Online. 24.02.2017. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4257462/Italian-Lidl-employees-seen-tormenting-two-Roma-gypsies.html#ixzz4ZmAXAlp6 [link-preview url=”https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2948341/cruel-lidl-employees-film-themselves-locking-screaming-roma-gypsies-in-caged-supermarket-bins/ “]
