Daily Archives: mars 6, 2017

Bern and City Nomads

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The so-called “Stadtnomaden” or “City Nomads”, a group of alternative people living in caravans in field on the city outskirts were originally forced to move every three months per decree from the municipality. They now successfully claimed the same rights as the travellers and are now allowed to stay for a full 6 months on the same place.
Very nomadic …

– Stadtnomaden dürfen neu sechs Monate bleiben. In: 20 Minuten (CH). 01.03.2017. http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/bern/story/Stadtnomaden-duerfen-neu-sechs-Monate-bleiben-15705929 [link-preview url=”http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/bern/story/Stadtnomaden-duerfen-neu-sechs-Monate-bleiben-15705929″]

Slovenia and Basic Rights

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Some deputies are trying to force the issue of Rroma slums in Slovenia by proposing that the government pay a lump sum to all municipalities with Rroma camps and force them to provide basic services (water and electricity) to the Rroma.
The Forum of Rroma Councillors, which represents two thirds of the Rroma in that country is welcoming this proposal.

– Še en poskus urejanja romske problematike. In: Delo. 03.03.2017. http://www.delo.si/novice/politika/se-en-poskus-urejanja-romske-problematike.html [link-preview url=”http://www.delo.si/novice/politika/se-en-poskus-urejanja-romske-problematike.html”]

France and Education

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The story of a young Rroma boy who went to school but can no longer register and be admitted in one.

– Basti, enfant rom de 10 ans, voudrait simplement aller à l’école. In: Nord Éclair. 01.03.2017. http://www.nordeclair.fr/40430/article/2017-03-01/basti-enfant-rom-de-10-ans-voudrait-simplement-aller-l-ecole [link-preview url=”http://www.nordeclair.fr/40430/article/2017-03-01/basti-enfant-rom-de-10-ans-voudrait-simplement-aller-l-ecole”]
