Daily Archives: mars 11, 2017

Czech Republic …

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The Liberec region in the Czech Republic is refusing to write a report on Rroma to the central government. This report is meant to define the policies on Rroma for the upcoming year. According to the region, the way this report builds on anthropology and social generalisation is simply not acceptable.
They are right.

– Czech region refuses to write report on Roma. The Prague Daily Monitor. http://praguemonitor.com/2017/03/09/czech-region-refuses-write-report-roma [link-preview url=”http://praguemonitor.com/2017/03/09/czech-region-refuses-write-report-roma”]

Holocaust Documentary

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Another article about the documentary on Rroma Holocaust “a hole in my head” by Robert Kirchhoff. The documentary interviews survivors. To be seen.

– Utrpenie, o ktorom sa veľa nehovorí. Predstavili dokument o rómskom holokauste. In: Noviny. 08.03.2017. http://www.bratislavskenoviny.sk/najnovsie-spravy-z-bratislavy/kultura-skolstvo/utrpenie-o-ktorom-sa-vela-nehovori.-predstavili-dokument-o-romskom-holokauste.html?page_id=343908 [link-preview url=”http://www.bratislavskenoviny.sk/najnovsie-spravy-z-bratislavy/kultura-skolstvo/utrpenie-o-ktorom-sa-vela-nehovori.-predstavili-dokument-o-romskom-holokauste.html?page_id=343908″]

Switzerland Chairs the Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

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Switzerland just took over the chairmanship of the Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. The committee in charge also includes Rroma organisations.

– Swiss chair International Holocaust Alliance. In: Swissinfo. 08.03.2017. http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/human-rights-mandate_swiss-to-chair-international-holocaust-alliance/43013666 [link-preview url=”http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/human-rights-mandate_swiss-to-chair-international-holocaust-alliance/43013666″]

Slovakia and Education

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Harsh critique of the government from the opposition on its Rroma Education. According to the critique, the government is “helpless” and has not done a thing in the last ten years.
Maybe this will start the ball rolling!

– KDH: Vláda je bezradná vo vzdelávaní Rómov, robí nezmyselné kroky. In: Teraz Slovensko. 10.03.2017. http://www.teraz.sk/slovensko/kdh-vlada-je-bezradna-vo-vzdelavani/247983-clanok.html [link-preview url=”http://www.teraz.sk/slovensko/kdh-vlada-je-bezradna-vo-vzdelavani/247983-clanok.html”]
