Daily Archives: mars 13, 2017

Switzerland – another Municipality Does Not Want Travellers

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Yet another municipality in Switzerland, this time near Solothurn, denying a request to buy (at a lower price) a parcel of land for Swiss Jenische.
This is a pattern, and a bad one.

– Gemeinde gibt Schweizer Fahrenden kein Land. In: Argauer Zeitung. 07.03.2017. http://www.solothurnerzeitung.ch/solothurn/lebern-bucheggberg-wasseramt/gemeinde-gibt-schweizer-fahrenden-kein-land-131086157 [link-preview url=”http://www.solothurnerzeitung.ch/solothurn/lebern-bucheggberg-wasseramt/gemeinde-gibt-schweizer-fahrenden-kein-land-131086157″]

Slovakia: More on The Holocaust Documentary

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Decidely, the press in Slovakia is full of news on the documentary by Kirchhoff on the Rroma holocaust. Not bad, especially since the country has not readily acknowledged its deeds.

– Kirchhoffov film otvára zabudnutú tému rómskeho holokaustu. In: Webmagazin. 12.03.2017. http://webmagazin.teraz.sk/hudba-a-film/kirchhoff-diera-v-hlave-holokaust-romsky/7431-clanok.html [link-preview url=”http://webmagazin.teraz.sk/hudba-a-film/kirchhoff-diera-v-hlave-holokaust-romsky/7431-clanok.html”]

Czech Republic: Row on Lety

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The Czech minister wants the Romany Museum in Brno to administer the Lety memorial. It turns out that representatives of the victims disagree with this move. The change of administrator from the current one to the new one was decided unilaterally by the minister.
No comments …

– Czech Human Rights Minister wants Lety concentration camp memorial administered by Museum of Romani Culture, relative of victims disagrees. In: Romea.cz. 11.03.2017. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-human-rights-minister-wants-lety-concentration-camp-memorial-administered-by-museum-of-romani-culture-relative-of [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-human-rights-minister-wants-lety-concentration-camp-memorial-administered-by-museum-of-romani-culture-relative-of”]
