Daily Archives: mars 16, 2017

Slovakia: Interesting

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When a Slovak newspaper (yes, in its English version) states that the country “looses” if it neglects its Rroma minority, something may be changing a bit after all. At least this is a change of tone.

– What Slovakia loses when it neglects the Roma. In: The Slovak Spectator. 15.03.2017. https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20470798/what-slovakia-loses-when-it-neglects-the-roma.html [link-preview url=”https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20470798/what-slovakia-loses-when-it-neglects-the-roma.html”]

Slovenia: The Forum of Rroma Councillors

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The Forum of Roma Councillors became a member of the Association of Slovenian Municipalities (SOS – yes, sic!). The Forum thus hopes to leverage its influence amongst the Slovenian municipalities and to increases its support.

– Roma forum made member of municipalities association. In: STA. 09.03.2017. https://english.sta.si/2364298/roma-forum-made-member-of-municipalities-association [link-preview url=”https://english.sta.si/2364298/roma-forum-made-member-of-municipalities-association”]

Hungary: A Success Story

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The success story of a young Rrom who is graduating from the most exclusive Gymnasium in Hungary, and who will go to France to perfect his French language studying at a university there.
Success of one, failure of the state … He is the ONLY Rroma student there. There should be 10%.

– A SUCCESS STORY: THE SOLE ROMA STUDENT AT THE BENEDICTINE GYMNASIUM OF PANNONHALMA. In: Hungarian Spectrum. 14.03.2017. http://hungarianspectrum.org/2017/03/14/a-success-story-the-sole-roma-student-at-the-benedictine-gymnasium-of-pannonhalma/#comment-129487 [link-preview url=”http://hungarianspectrum.org/2017/03/14/a-success-story-the-sole-roma-student-at-the-benedictine-gymnasium-of-pannonhalma/#comment-129487″]
