Daily Archives: mars 21, 2017

Europe: Refugees and Rroma

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An article about the impact of the European Refugee crisis on the Rroma minority. Apart from some historical inaccuracies (Rroma are in Europe since longer than the 14th century), the article is worth reading.

– How the refugee crisis is dealing another blow to Europe’s Roma. In: The Conversation. 20.03.2017. http://theconversation.com/how-the-refugee-crisis-is-dealing-another-blow-to-europes-roma-74000 [link-preview url=”http://theconversation.com/how-the-refugee-crisis-is-dealing-another-blow-to-europes-roma-74000″]

San Francisco: Festival

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The 20th Herdelezi festival will soon opens its doors in San Francisco! May 6th is the date!

– Yuri Yunakov to Headline 20th Anniversary Herdeljezi Romani Music Festival. In: Broadway World. 20.03.2017. http://www.broadwayworld.com/san-francisco/article/Yuri-Yunakov-to-Headline-20th-Anniversary-Herdeljezi-Romani-Music-Festival-20170320 [link-preview url=”http://www.broadwayworld.com/san-francisco/article/Yuri-Yunakov-to-Headline-20th-Anniversary-Herdeljezi-Romani-Music-Festival-20170320″]

Slovenia Criticised

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The US State Department, in its annual report, is criticising Slovenia for its treatment of its Rroma minority. Main critique is against discrimination and hate speech politicians, as well as some cases of police violence against Rroma.

– Američania hodnotia Slovensko: Vyčítajú Bašternáka a diskrimináciu Rómov. In: SME Svet. 21.03.2017. https://svet.sme.sk/c/20488232/americania-hodnotia-slovensko-vycitaju-basternaka-a-diskriminaciu-romov.html [link-preview url=”https://svet.sme.sk/c/20488232/americania-hodnotia-slovensko-vycitaju-basternaka-a-diskriminaciu-romov.html”]
