Daily Archives: mars 29, 2017

Germany and Refugees

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A German psychiatrist is being indicted for having broken the doctor’s confidentiality following the expulsion of a young Rrom back to Kosovo. He had treated him and found him to be in need of a treatment due to trauma encountered in his home country but was nevertheless sent back.
The psychiatrist openly (and in the press) complained about the expulsion.
At least there are still some people with courage.

– Kreis bleibt bei Anzeige. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 27.03.2017. http://www.fr.de/rhein-main/wetterau-kreis-bleibt-bei-anzeige-a-1250530 [link-preview url=”http://www.fr.de/rhein-main/wetterau-kreis-bleibt-bei-anzeige-a-1250530″]

Kosice, Slovakia

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Some pictures of the living conditions in the illegal Rroma settlements in and around the city of Kosice, in Eastern Slovakia.

– V Košiciach pribúdajú nelegálne osady. Podľa aktivistov sa Rómovia „sťahujú k plným kontajnerom“ In: Plus 7 Dni. 28.03.2017. http://www.pluska.sk/plus-7-dni/domov/v-kosiciach-pribudaju-nelegalne-osady-podla-aktivistov-romovia-stahuju-k-plnym-kontajnerom.html [link-preview url=”http://www.pluska.sk/plus-7-dni/domov/v-kosiciach-pribudaju-nelegalne-osady-podla-aktivistov-romovia-stahuju-k-plnym-kontajnerom.html”]

A Play on Rroma

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Drom, a theatre play on Rroma born from a collaboration between Rroma and non-Rroma, is focusing on the road from Novi-Sad to Berlin as a metaphor for the route for escaping poverty and discrimination in the Balkan.
The play will be presented in Budapest in April.

– Roma Journey passes through Budapest. In: Budapest Business Journal. 28.03.2017. http://bbj.hu/whatson/roma-journey-passes-through-budapest_130743 [link-preview url=”http://bbj.hu/whatson/roma-journey-passes-through-budapest_130743″]
