Monthly Archives: mars 2017


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A French Front National politician is proposing to recover the gold teeth of Rroma to make them pay for their lodgings … This in a small town near Grenoble.
Last time this was done was at Auschwitz! If you had any doubts about the French Front National, this is it.
The Mayor is called Franck Sinisi. His full citation is: “pour loger les Roms, je pense qu’il pourrait y avoir un auto-financement. La Métropole devrait leur payer un dentiste… afin de récupérer les dents en or” [to lodge Roma, I think that there should be a self funding. The state should pay them a dentist … so as to recover their gold teeth].
SHAME – and Write to him and to the Front National.

– Un élu FN de l’Isère suggère de “récupérer les dents en or” des Roms. In: L’Express. 17.03.2017.
– Isère : un élu FN propose de «récupérer les dents en or des Roms» pour les loger. In: Le Parisien. 17.03.2017.
– Isère: Un élu FN dérape et propose de «récupérer les dents en or» des Roms. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 17.03.2017.
– Franck Sinisi, élu FN de l’Isère, propose de « récupérer les dents en or » des Roms. In: fdebranche. 17.03.2017.
– Isère : “Récupérer les dents en or” des Roms, terrifiante proposition d’un élu FN. In: Midi Libre. 18.03.2017.,1480540.php
– Isère : un élu FN propose de “récupérer les dents en or” des Roms. In: France Info. 17.03.2017.
– Isère: le dérapage d”un élu FN sur les Roms. In: Le Figaro. 17.03.2017.
– Un élu FN suggère de “récupérer les dents en or” des Roms pour financer leur accueil. In: Europe 1. 17.03.2017.
– Fontaine : le dérapage du Front National. In: Le Dauphiné. 17.03.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Poland: Extremists and Threats

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Masked men are threatening Rroma in Zabrze, near Katowice. Then men for example forbid Roma youth use the gym and sports halls. They are a de facto that is hostile to Rroma. Several incidents took place, and were reported to the police who said they are taking those incidents seriously.
Let’s see …

– Zamaskowane bojówki czekają na Romów w Zabrzu. “Wiemy o wszystkim, co się dzieje”. In: Wyborcza. 13.03.2017.,35063,21491655,zamaskowane-bojowki-czekaja-na-romow-w-zabrzu-wiemy-o-wszystkim.html?disableRedirects=true [link-preview url=”,35063,21491655,zamaskowane-bojowki-czekaja-na-romow-w-zabrzu-wiemy-o-wszystkim.html?disableRedirects=true”]

Slovakia. New Twist!

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When one reads that “if Slovakia would help Roma enter the working force, then one would not need foreign workers”, one can only wonder. After all Rroma are better than migrants?
But the fact is, there is a real potential for Rroma in Slovakia.

– Roma to work in Slovakia. In: New Europe. 17.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Selma Selman’s Art

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An article about the art of a young Bosnian Rromni, Selma Selman. Worthy read!

– Beauty, Brutality and Roma Identity in Selma Selman’s Art. In: Warscapes. 15.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Belgium and Beggars

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It starts also there … Activists are pushing the police and the prosecutor office to deal with the Rroma children begging in Belgium’s capital.
There would be simpler solutions … Like integration.

– Bruxelles: l’échevine Els Ampe dénonce les enfants mendicants. In: La Capitale. 13.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine: Displaced Rroma

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The War in Ukraine between nationalists leaves little space for Rroma. They had to flee.

– Roma families displaced by the war in eastern Ukraine face a double bind of poverty and discrimination. In: Relief Web. 15.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: 20 years ago …

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20 years ago, following a long struggle, the Documentation Centre for Sinti and Roma opened its doors.
It took its time, but this is good!

– 16. März 1997 – Dokumentationszentrum deutscher Sinti und Roma eröffnet. In: WDR. 16.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Ceija Stojka – A Portrait

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Another portrait and exhibition of the Holocaust survivor and painter Ceija Stojka. Her works are on exhibition in the gallery “Kai Dikhas” in Berlin until April 1st.

– CEIJA STOJKA: »SCHAUT HEUTE BITTE NICHT WEG!« In: Kunstdunst Magazin Berlin. 13.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Interesting

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When a Slovak newspaper (yes, in its English version) states that the country “looses” if it neglects its Rroma minority, something may be changing a bit after all. At least this is a change of tone.

– What Slovakia loses when it neglects the Roma. In: The Slovak Spectator. 15.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: The Forum of Rroma Councillors

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The Forum of Roma Councillors became a member of the Association of Slovenian Municipalities (SOS – yes, sic!). The Forum thus hopes to leverage its influence amongst the Slovenian municipalities and to increases its support.

– Roma forum made member of municipalities association. In: STA. 09.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: A Success Story

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The success story of a young Rrom who is graduating from the most exclusive Gymnasium in Hungary, and who will go to France to perfect his French language studying at a university there.
Success of one, failure of the state … He is the ONLY Rroma student there. There should be 10%.


France: Festival in Marseilles

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The “Latcho Divano” festival in Marseilles in the South of France is in full swing. There is music, but also an exhibition on Ceja Stojka, a Austrian Holocaust survivor and painter.

– Latcho Divano célèbre les cultures roms et tziganes. In: FR3 Provence Côte d’Azur. 13.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Rroma From Slovenia in Israel

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A Rroma educator from Slovenia left her country to get an education in Israel. And she ends up as one of the few Rroma in Slovenia with a university degree.
Good for her, and what does it say about the country? That with equal opportunity, things would work better!

– Romski vzgojitelj iz Prekmurja: Ni mi žal, da sem se odločil za študij v Izraelu. In: RTV Slovenia. 13.03.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Jasenovac: Compensation?

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Relative of the victims of Jasenovac, mostly Jews and Rroma as well as Serbs, are asking for a compensation from the Croatian state. The Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that in recent days it received a lawsuit of the relatives of Croatian Serbs, Roma and Jews for the return of confiscated property and for the repayment of the suffering during the Independent State of Croatia (NDH).
Serves the Croatian well for rehabilitating several of the perpetuators of these crimes.

– Svojci žrtev ustaškega režima od Hrvaške zahtevajo odškodnino. In: Planet. 13.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

We Did not Need That Either …

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According to the “Supreme Board Member of the Federation of Roma Associations Ahmet İzgi”, a majority of Rroma are going to vote in giving Erdogan full powers and are grateful of Erdogan.
Who by the way closed Sulukule, the oldest Rroma Mahala (settlement) in Istambul, and relocated Rroma outside, or whose police goes on rampage in Rroma settlements like in Izmir, and so on.
SHAME on them.

– Grateful Roma citizens express backing for Turkey’s constitutional changes. In: Daily Sabah. 12.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Canada and Hungarians …

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Seems that Canada has been deporting a disproportionate amount of Hungarians. Actually, according to a Law professor specialised in immigration law, most of them were Rroma… So it seems that there is a pattern here …

– Why are so many Hungarians deported? A look at Canada’s ‘Unwelcome Index’. In: The Globe and Mail. 12.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Rome – No More Camps – Not!!!

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In spite of promises from the municipality and its Five Stars Mayor, Rome is ready to open a new Rroma camp on its outskirts “as a temporary measure” …
On March 7th, the Welfare Department has approved a measure aimed at identifying a new “picnic area” (SIC!) intended to “welcome and provide a staying possibility for 120 Roma families “, with a “service management”. In practice it is a new settlement to replace the current “Camping River”, in which there are 420 people, for which management services will expire on June 30 of this year.

– Roma, dal comune ok a un nuovo campo rom. Campidoglio: “Misure temporanee. Obiettivo è superare i villaggi”. In: Il Fatto Quotidiano. 13.03.2017.
– Roma, il Campidoglio dà l’ok a un nuovo campo Rom per 400 persone. In: ForexInfo. 13.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland – another Municipality Does Not Want Travellers

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Yet another municipality in Switzerland, this time near Solothurn, denying a request to buy (at a lower price) a parcel of land for Swiss Jenische.
This is a pattern, and a bad one.

– Gemeinde gibt Schweizer Fahrenden kein Land. In: Argauer Zeitung. 07.03.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia: More on The Holocaust Documentary

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Decidely, the press in Slovakia is full of news on the documentary by Kirchhoff on the Rroma holocaust. Not bad, especially since the country has not readily acknowledged its deeds.

– Kirchhoffov film otvára zabudnutú tému rómskeho holokaustu. In: Webmagazin. 12.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic: Row on Lety

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The Czech minister wants the Romany Museum in Brno to administer the Lety memorial. It turns out that representatives of the victims disagree with this move. The change of administrator from the current one to the new one was decided unilaterally by the minister.
No comments …

– Czech Human Rights Minister wants Lety concentration camp memorial administered by Museum of Romani Culture, relative of victims disagrees. In: 11.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]