Daily Archives: avril 21, 2017

Slovakia and Rroma

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The Slovak politician Matovič wants to solve Roma problems in his country. His OĽANO Movement therefore submitted a bill for the next parliamentary meeting so that Roma children are required to attend pre-school for three years. He added, that if parents did not comply, they would commit a criminal offense. This latter point is maybe not the best idea…
In addition, he said: “80 years ago, Adolf Hitler showed his finger first to the Jews, the Disabled and the Roma stating that they were lowering our standard of living. Today we have two people, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) and Marián Kotleb (LSNS) who use this rhetoric. They say it’s our problem that we’re sick of it. In fact, Prime Minister Robert Fico has had ten years of government and caused 50,000 other Romani children to grow without adequate education”.

– Matovič chce riešiť problémy Rómov: Ak by sa rodičia zmenám bránili, bol by to trestný čin! In: Pluska. 19.04.2017. http://www.pluska.sk/spravy/z-domova/romovia-povinne-do-skoly-ujme-matovicov-navrh.html

Ukraine – Kiev and Settlements

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The situation is not getting better in Kiev. After the eviction of one settlement on April 5th, and then the burning and closure of an informal settlement on April 13th, Rroma have asked for police protection and the ombudsman was called in.
The situation in Ukraine is getting worse for Rroma.

– Як органи влади реагують на виселення ромів у Києві? In: Hromanske Radio. 17.04.2017. https://hromadskeradio.org/programs/chiriklo/yak-organy-vlady-reaguyut-na-vyselennya-romiv-u-kyyevi
