Daily Archives: juin 21, 2017

Slovakia and the Police

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Roma are insisting on a proper investigation of the police intervention 4 years ago in Moldavia nad Bodvou, where the police stood accused of torture and mistreatment but was finally recently exonerated.
There is a movie made by the police of what they did … They should be condemned for it.

– Zástupcovia Rómov z Moldavy stále trvajú na riadnom vyšetrení zásahu polície spred štyroch rokov. In: Spravy Pravda. 17.06.2017. https://spravy.pravda.sk/domace/clanok/432878-zastupcovia-romov-z-moldavy-stale-trvaju-na-riadnom-vysetreni-zasahu-policie-spred-styroch-rokov/ [link-preview url=”https://spravy.pravda.sk/domace/clanok/432878-zastupcovia-romov-z-moldavy-stale-trvaju-na-riadnom-vysetreni-zasahu-policie-spred-styroch-rokov/”]

Slovenia: Projects

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The Slovenian government wants to improve the situation of the Roma in the country having adopted recently an integration plan, and is looking at creating multi-purposes Roma Centres in the country. These will provide various services to the minority.
Let’s see…

– Vlada želi k izboljšanju položaja Romov prispevati tudi z večnamenskimi centri. In: STA. 18.06.2017. https://www.sta.si/2398588/vlada-zeli-k-izboljsanju-polozaja-romov-prispevati-tudi-z-vecnamenskimi-centri [link-preview url=”https://www.sta.si/2398588/vlada-zeli-k-izboljsanju-polozaja-romov-prispevati-tudi-z-vecnamenskimi-centri”]

Germany – Hessen

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The German State of Hessen signed a contract with the state’s Sinti and Roma association on the integration of the minority.

– Hessen schließt Staatsvertrag mit Landesverband der Sinti und Roma. In: Frankfurter Neue Presse. 20.06.2017. http://www.fnp.de/rhein-main/Hessen-schliesst-Staatsvertrag-mit-Landesverband-der-Sinti-und-Roma;art1491,2678658 [link-preview url=”http://www.fnp.de/rhein-main/Hessen-schliesst-Staatsvertrag-mit-Landesverband-der-Sinti-und-Roma;art1491,2678658″]
