Daily Archives: juin 24, 2017

Slovakia: EU Funds for Roma

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Nearly 450 Mio EUR are earmarked as help for the Roma communities in Slovakia, of which nearly 50 Mio is dedicated to kindergartens. The funds are from the EU.
Let’s hope!

– Z eurofondov smeruje na marginalizovaných Rómov 450 miliónov eur. In: SME Romovia. 23.06.2017. https://romovia.sme.sk/c/20566348/z-eurofondov-smeruje-na-marginalizovanych-romov-450-milionov-eur.html#axzz4ku1rbj6T [link-preview url=”https://romovia.sme.sk/c/20566348/z-eurofondov-smeruje-na-marginalizovanych-romov-450-milionov-eur.html#axzz4ku1rbj6T”]

Slovenia: Celebration

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The Council of the Roma Community, an umbrella organization representing the interests of the Roma in Slovenia celebrated on the 23rd of June its tenth anniversary. The association represents Roma in relation to state authorities and addresses specific issues related to their interests, status and rights.

– Svet romske skupnosti proslavil desetletnico delovanja. In: STA. 24.06.2017. https://www.sta.si/2402182/svet-romske-skupnosti-proslavil-desetletnico-delovanja [link-preview url=”https://www.sta.si/2402182/svet-romske-skupnosti-proslavil-desetletnico-delovanja”]

Germany and Integration

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The Sinti and Roma association of the German State of Hessen will receive money from the state. This follows the signature of a contract between the state and the association to further the integration of Roma.

– Landesverband erhält Geld von Land. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 21.06.2017. http://www.fr.de/rhein-main/sinti-und-roma-landesverband-erhaelt-geld-von-land-a-1299508 [link-preview url=”http://www.fr.de/rhein-main/sinti-und-roma-landesverband-erhaelt-geld-von-land-a-1299508″]

Bosnian War

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A work of fiction based on the murder of Roma during the Bosnian War. Maybe interesting to read. But good that one speaks about the ethnic cleansing in the Yugoslav wars.

– ‘Testimony’ Fictionalizes Real-Life Oppression of Roma in Yugoslav Wars. In: WUMW. 24.06.2017. http://wuwm.com/post/testimony-fictionalizes-real-life-oppression-roma-yugoslav-wars#stream/0 [link-preview url=”http://wuwm.com/post/testimony-fictionalizes-real-life-oppression-roma-yugoslav-wars#stream/0″]
