Daily Archives: juin 28, 2017

Romani Rose

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An interview with Romani Rose, chairman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma. He rightfully states that Sinti and Roma are considered as scapegoats.

– “Unsere Minderheit wird als Sündenbock abgestempelt”. In: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 27.06.2017. https://www.rnz.de/politik/hintergrund_artikel,-Hintergrund-Politik-Romani-Rose-im-Interview-Unsere-Minderheit-wird-als-Suendenbock-abgestempelt-_arid,285176.html [link-preview url=”https://www.rnz.de/politik/hintergrund_artikel,-Hintergrund-Politik-Romani-Rose-im-Interview-Unsere-Minderheit-wird-als-Suendenbock-abgestempelt-_arid,285176.html”]

Totally Wrong …

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A Slovak article got their history totally wrong: Stating that until the 19th century Roma in the Austro-Hungarian Empire were mostly nomadic.
No, All Carpathian Roma were not. There were the Kale / Sinti in the Czech Republic and, after the abolition of slavery in Romanian lands the Vlax Roma, but by and large, the nomadism is a myth that Maria Theresia took from her German background.
Shame to perpetuate myths

– The Roma competitors. In: The Slovak Spectator. 26.06.2017. https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20568644/the-roma-competitors.html [link-preview url=”https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20568644/the-roma-competitors.html”]
