An article about the difficulties of the EU aid for the Roma minority.
– EU Roma policy struggles to produce results. In: EU Observer. 30.08.2017. [link-preview url=”″]
An article about the difficulties of the EU aid for the Roma minority.
– EU Roma policy struggles to produce results. In: EU Observer. 30.08.2017. [link-preview url=”″]
The views slowly shift on the issue of the Romanian Roma refugees in the small town of California, in Pennsylvania.
– Despite anti-immigration sentiments among conservatives, some say there are benefits to embracing a new Roma community in California, Pa. In: The City Paper. 30.08.2017. [link-preview url=”″]
A workshop in Italy with the local Roma, the Abbruzzesi. Led by Santino Spinelli who recorded the language of this group of Roma.
– Roma Culture 101: Opening Minds With Song, Talk and Laughter. In: The New York Times. 29.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]
A report on pickpockets in Paris’ Disneyland seen through the eyes of Romanians. Quote: “Seven women and five men, most of whom are Roma people from Romania who were sending their children to steal from tourists’ pockets in the Disneyland Paris” This is rather amusing, as it seems that there are also non-Roma who are sending their children to steal …
Anyway, theft is not an ethnic characteristic.
– Roma pickpockets from Romania stole EUR 1 mln from Disneyland Paris tourists. In Romania Insider. 28.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]
How not to report a crime … All stereotypes included,
– Vancouver police issue warning after man has $10,000 necklace stolen in distraction theft. In: Vancouver Courier. 25.08.2017. [link-preview url=”″]
This time, the interview in English …
– French Roma woman eyes seat in Senate elections. In: France 24. 29.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]
A series of photos of German soldiers forced to watch footage of concentration camps… They gry, the said they didn’t fight for that – but actually one knows that the Wehrmacht saw it happen and participated in summary executions …
– Nemeckým vojakom bolo do plaču, keď videli teror v koncentračných táboroch. Svetoznáma fotografia zobrazuje znechutené tváre. In: 27.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]
A new Tory MP for Moray, UK, is severely biased against travellers are Roma. He apologised for saying that dealing with travellers “would be a number one priority as prime minister” but continued to state that [roadside encampments] are a “blight on our community” and current laws and protections make it difficult to get “get rid of them”.
One can only wonder what he meant by “getting rid of them” …
– If not here, then where? On Douglas Ross’ war against the Gypsy/Traveller community in Moray. In: Open Democracy UK. 28.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]
Roma opened a new makeshift camp in Brussels this week. This French trend is slowly expanding to Belgium.
– Un camp de Roms découvert porte de Ninove à Bruxelles (vidéo). In: Le Soir (BE). 28.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]
Another article on the fate of the Roma from Kosovo who are suffering from lead poisoning following their internment in a refugee camp located on a toxic dump. The UN has still not apologised nor compensated them.
– Les Roms ont été empoisonnés par le plomb dans des camps de réfugiés au Kosovo. In: Sciences et Avenir. 20.08.2017. [link-preview url=”″]
Anina Ciuciu gave another interview last week to the French press. She is a candidate in the Senatorial elections in France and could become the first elected Romni in the French Senate.
– Anina Ciuciu, 27 ans, première candidate rom aux sénatoriales. In: France 24. 24.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]
The head of the Slovak Police, Tibor Gašpar, visited several Roma settlements in the east of the country, surrounded by quite a few body gards…
No Comments.
– FOTO Policajný prezident Gašpar na návšteve u Rómov: Šokovaní obyvatelia, TOTO nečakali. In: Topky. 27.08.2017.–Sokovani-obyvatelia–TOTO-necakali [link-preview url=”–Sokovani-obyvatelia–TOTO-necakali”]
The somewhat peculiar story of the Polish city of Puławy where the residents of a street named “Roma” (as the minority – not the city) complain about its name, stating they discriminated simply by means of their address …
– Romowie nie chcą mieszkać przy ul. Romów. In: Dziennik. 27.08.2017.,n,1000204527.html [link-preview url=”,n,1000204527.html”]
Part II and III of the story of Hungarian Roma refugees in Canada, from 2000 to current days. A Must read.
– Hungarian Roma refugees in Canada — The lead case, its aftermath and the future (Parts 2 & 3). In: The Hungarian Free Press. 25.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]
Very few news this week on Roma in France. An article about Roma from the Kosovo who had to appear in front of a judge in Angers, in Western France; in Montpellier, the mayor is asking the French state for support to control a Roma camp in the city; in Lille, one of the largest camps has been closed; and finally, Roma pickpockets in Disneyland near Paris.
– L’errance des Roms passe par le tribunal. In: Ouest France. 25.08.2017.
– Camps de Roms à Montpellier : Philippe Saurel perd patience. In: Midi Libre. 27.08.2017.,1552029.php
– Lille: Démantèlement du camp de Roms de Pont-Royal. In: 20 Minutesd (FR). 22.08.2017.
– Le camp de Roms de Pont-Royal a été évacué ce mardi matin. In: La Voix du Nord. 22.08.2017.
– Des pickpockets roumains qui détroussaient des touristes devant la justice. In: Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace. [link-preview url=”″]
This is how not to make statistics … While correlating the unemployment rate and its decrease with the presence of highways, a small paragraph states:
“The most significant impact on the unemployment rate in the regions is the percentage of Roma. This is shown in each research or model. While in Western Slovakia, the Roma represent a low share of the total population, mostly up to 5% (according to the Atlas of the Roma communities), they are around 30% in the Gemer region, and in many other districts of Eastern Slovakia around 20%. We know from microdata that there is about 65% unemployment among Roma.”
– Ako IFP „zavrhlo“ výstavbu diaľnic. In: Dennik. 24.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]
How a 19 year old future teacher organised a summer camp in Slovakia for Roma children. And the camp is full – for, as she says, Roma children want to learn.
Well done!
– Budúca učiteľka má len 19 rokov, do jej letnej školy sa už hlásili desiatky Rómov. In: Dennik. 21.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]
A story about a Sinti family in Post War Germany. This shows what Roma had to face in the aftermath of the War and Holocaust in Germany.
Die unerzählte Geschichte der Familie Weiß. In: Dewezet. 25.08.2017.,-die-unerzaehlte-geschichte-der-familie-weiss-_arid,2397270.html [link-preview url=”,-die-unerzaehlte-geschichte-der-familie-weiss-_arid,2397270.html”]
The annual pilgrimage of the French travellers (Manouches et Gitans) in Lourdes closed yesterday., It is held from the 19th to the 24th of August.
– Le pèlerinage des gens du voyage à Lourdes. In: Aleteia. 24.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]
Following the decision by the Czech government to buy the pig farm located on the site of the Roma concentration camp of Lety, the contract could be signed as early as next month.
This would close the chapter of Lety, but certainly not of the Holocaust in the Czech Republic where Roma were almost totally annihilated – essentially by the Czech themselves.
– Czech Government Agrees to Buy Roma Holocaust Site. In: TOL. 22.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]