Daily Archives: août 9, 2017

Lety – More Articles

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The news is making rounds!

– ‘Historical day for Roma dignity’: Czech govt to shut down pig farm on concentration camp site. In: RT. 07.08.2017. https://www.rt.com/news/398919-pig-farm-roma-holocaust-closure/
– Czechs strike deal to move pig farm from Roma Holocaust site. In: Times of Israel. 08.08.2017. http://www.timesofisrael.com/czechs-strike-deal-to-move-pig-farm-from-roma-holocaust-site/ [link-preview url=”https://www.rt.com/news/398919-pig-farm-roma-holocaust-closure/ “]

Switzerland: March Cancelled

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The planned march against a camping site for travellers in the village of Wileroltigen was cancelled amid concerns that it would attract many extremists, would be too dangerous and expensive.
This follows a long campaign by the village that was borderline racist and definitively stereotyping Roma.

– Zu gefährlich und zu teuer: Wileroltigen zieht die Notbremse. In: Der Bund. 08.08.2017. http://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/zu-gefaehrlich-und-zu-teuer-wileroltigen-zieht-die-notbremse/story/28451936 [link-preview url=”http://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/zu-gefaehrlich-und-zu-teuer-wileroltigen-zieht-die-notbremse/story/28451936″]
