Daily Archives: août 12, 2017


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Welsh travellers in Cardiff are billed up to three time the average water costs of a family in Wales… Really?

– People on a Cardiff traveller site are angry they pay three times more for water than an average home. In: Wales Online. http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/people-cardiff-traveller-site-angry-13461715 [link-preview url=”http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/people-cardiff-traveller-site-angry-13461715″]

Travellers and Roma

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An article about the “fear of the Gypsies” in Germany, following the arrival of Irish Travellers in Düsseldorf.

– Die Angst vor dem “Zigeuner” In: RP Online. 12.08.2017. http://www.rp-online.de/nrw/panorama/irish-traveller-die-angst-vor-dem-zigeuner-aid-1.7007763 [link-preview url=”http://www.rp-online.de/nrw/panorama/irish-traveller-die-angst-vor-dem-zigeuner-aid-1.7007763″]

Twitter, Hate Speech and Art

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Shahak Shapira did an action in front of the Twitter Headquarters in Germany: he printed many racist comments found in Twitter about which he regularly complained on the pavement. Watch …

– This artist graffitied the worst tweets he could find, right outside Twitter’s office. In: Upworthy.com. 11.08.2017. http://www.upworthy.com/this-artist-graffitied-the-worst-tweets-he-could-find-right-outside-twitters-office
– Israeli artist trolls Twitter with hate graffiti outside headquarters in Hamburg. In: i24. 08.08.2017. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/152526-170809-german-artist-trolls-twitter-with-hate-graffiti-outside-headquarters-in-hamburg [link-preview url=”https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/152526-170809-german-artist-trolls-twitter-with-hate-graffiti-outside-headquarters-in-hamburg”]

UK Press

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And here we go. Father sells his daughter into slavery in the UK. And this in the Times.

– Roma girl, 12, was sold by father to work for British family. In: The Times. 11.08.2017. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/roma-girl-12-was-sold-by-father-to-work-for-british-family-bm0v57pgw [link-preview url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/roma-girl-12-was-sold-by-father-to-work-for-british-family-bm0v57pgw”]
