This time, in Eastern Switzerland … They rented a piece of land from a Farmer and will stay for around 30 days.
– Fahrende sind wieder da. In: Tagblatt. 21.08.2017.;art509043,5063338 [link-preview url=”;art509043,5063338″]
Daily Archives: août 23, 2017
School and Slovakia
A typical story for Slovakia. The government plenipotentiary for Roma affairs, Abel Ravasz, is trying to mediate an issue of bullying of Roma in a school and a de-facto attempt at school segregation. Bullying against Roma children happened in Demandice, a village where Roma from two neighbouring communes are attending school in. The local council has decided to exclude Lontov and Ipeľský Sokolec from their school district, meaning that the mostly Roma pupils from these municipalities are allowed to attend a school in Demandice, but will not have the travel expenses paid. This is a de-facto exclusion of the Roma as they depend on this stipend.
Rómsky splnomocnenec sa dohodol so starostami na postupe v Demandiciach. In: SME Domov. 22.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]