Daily Archives: août 29, 2017

The Faces of the Perpetrators …

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A series of photos of German soldiers forced to watch footage of concentration camps… They gry, the said they didn’t fight for that – but actually one knows that the Wehrmacht saw it happen and participated in summary executions …

– Nemeckým vojakom bolo do plaču, keď videli teror v koncentračných táboroch. Svetoznáma fotografia zobrazuje znechutené tváre. In: Refresher.sk. 27.08.2017. https://refresher.sk/46508-Nemeckym-vojakom-bolo-do-placu-ked-videli-teror-v-koncentracnych-taboroch-Svetoznama-fotografia-zobrazuje-znechutene-tvare [link-preview url=”https://refresher.sk/46508-Nemeckym-vojakom-bolo-do-placu-ked-videli-teror-v-koncentracnych-taboroch-Svetoznama-fotografia-zobrazuje-znechutene-tvare”]

Tory MP and Roma

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A new Tory MP for Moray, UK, is severely biased against travellers are Roma. He apologised for saying that dealing with travellers “would be a number one priority as prime minister” but continued to state that [roadside encampments] are a “blight on our community” and current laws and protections make it difficult to get “get rid of them”.
One can only wonder what he meant by “getting rid of them” …

– If not here, then where? On Douglas Ross’ war against the Gypsy/Traveller community in Moray. In: Open Democracy UK. 28.08.2017. https://www.opendemocracy.net/uk/lynne-tammi/if-not-here-then-where-on-douglas-ross-ethnic-war-against-gypsytraveller-community-i [link-preview url=”https://www.opendemocracy.net/uk/lynne-tammi/if-not-here-then-where-on-douglas-ross-ethnic-war-against-gypsytraveller-community-i”]

Brussells – New Camp

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Roma opened a new makeshift camp in Brussels this week. This French trend is slowly expanding to Belgium.

– Un camp de Roms découvert porte de Ninove à Bruxelles (vidéo). In: Le Soir (BE). 28.08.2017. http://www.lesoir.be/111201/article/2017-08-28/un-camp-de-roms-decouvert-porte-de-ninove-bruxelles-video [link-preview url=”http://www.lesoir.be/111201/article/2017-08-28/un-camp-de-roms-decouvert-porte-de-ninove-bruxelles-video”]
