Daily Archives: septembre 16, 2017

Bulgaria, the US, and Schools

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The US ambassador attended a ceremony at a school for Roma children. It is a special school for ca. 80 pupils, aiming at a 0 dropout rate.
But it is a segregated school – this is really bad.

– Bulgaria: U.S. Ambassador Rubin attends ceremony at school for Roma children. In: The Sofia Globe. 16.09.2017. http://sofiaglobe.com/2017/09/16/bulgaria-u-s-ambassador-rubin-attends-ceremony-at-school-for-roma-children/

Slovakia: Plan for Integration

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The government has earmarked 51 millions of euros to help to combat discrimination against Roma. Two new Action Plans, focusing on the area of ​​non-discrimination and access to the majority society, are part of the Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Roma Inclusion by 2020. The material, was presented by the interior Robert Kaliňák in co-operation with Ábel Ravasz and was approved on Wednesday by members of the government.
Let’s see …

– Vláda vyčlenila desiatky miliónov eur. Pomôžu v boji proti diskriminácii Rómov. In: Aktualne. 13.09.2017. https://aktualne.atlas.sk/slovensko/politika/vlada-vyclenila-desiatky-milionov-eur-pomozu-boji-proti-diskriminacii-romov.html
