Daily Archives: septembre 21, 2017

Brigitta Balogh

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An interview of Brigitta Balogh, Romni, Law Student, and activist!

– Brigitta Balogh: Romani human rights campaigner and law student. In: Travellers Times. 20.09.2017. http://travellerstimes.org.uk/Blogs–Features/Brigitta-Balogh-Romani-human-rights-campaigner-.aspx [link-preview url=”http://travellerstimes.org.uk/Blogs–Features/Brigitta-Balogh-Romani-human-rights-campaigner-.aspx”]


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In case you need even more clarity on what the AfD is planning: One of their candidates has a list of associations that are to be watched for links to the left. On his list, the association Amaro Foro, a Roma association that is engaged against discrimination, and the Ann Frank association which teaches about the Nazi crimes …
No further comments.

– Ein Berliner AfD-Abgeordneter hat eine entlarvende Hassliste veröffentlicht. In: Vice. 19.09.2017. https://www.vice.com/de/article/7xkbw4/ein-berliner-afd-abgeordneter-hat-eine-entlarvende-hassliste-veroeffentlicht [link-preview url=”https://www.vice.com/de/article/7xkbw4/ein-berliner-afd-abgeordneter-hat-eine-entlarvende-hassliste-veroeffentlicht”]
